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The e-commerce.

Download Security Needed


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OOPS! Wrong Forum. Sorry Mods.


Alright so I am having a hell of a time trying to get a digital shop set up with limited contribs installed.


All I want is a template shop. So secure downloads, fast checkout, Paypal IPN, and STS


thats really all I need...


I cant seem to get the downloads to go secure. I have attempted every DL contrib out there, no dice.


Most of my issues (I thought) were centered around the mktime{} bug


So I made an oh so sloppy fix for it...



This is a really sloppy fix for the mktime{} issue.


It will work properly on a 7 day time scale.


open includes/modules/downloads.php and admin/include/modules/downloads.php



	  $download_timestamp = mktime(23, 59, 59, $dt_month, $dt_day + $downloads['download_maxdays'], $dt_year);

Replace with:

	  $download_timestamp = mktime(23, 59, 59, $dt_month - 2, $dt_day + 16 + $downloads['download_maxdays'], $dt_year + 8);

If you need to change your days you will have to adjust the line manually


Heres the base (which will give you todays date)

	  $download_timestamp = mktime(23, 59, 59, $dt_month - 2, $dt_day + 9 + $downloads['download_maxdays'], $dt_year + 8);

Now lets say you want to give users 2 days to download the file.


$dt_day + 11 + $downloads['download_maxdays'],

Now if someone can just prevent users from going to checkout_success and downloading files we will be doing something.


For now, this will at least give you the ability to allow downloads.




I am not sure of the security risks of doing this this way, but as it stands any buyer can just initiate an order, and go /checkout_success.php and, anctually be able to download this.


Anyone actually have a pre-compiled osc bundle with these contribs already installed?


... and actually working?


TIA, and hope the little workaround helps.

Edited by MrTheme
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thanks for your advice!


i tried also many dowmnaload contribution and cant make a conclusion on wich one to use

my shop would be software to download

could you give us on your testing conlusions ? :rolleyes:


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I would be happy to do so.


I am now going to do a test with the following


oscommerce-2.2ms2-060817 (core)

osCommerce PayPal IPN Module v1.0 For 2.2MS2 (AlexStudio)

Super Download Shop v1.1 (AlexStudio)


I will skip STS atm, just so I can focus on the contribs by AlexStudio. This way we can be sure there will be no conflicts.


I should also mention that my previous attempts were on 2.2RC1, this was my mistake.


The install will occur in this exact order and instructions will be followed to the T.

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