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Get-Wireless 2

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I have a page that uses an IFRAME. Its a link to a memory configurator.


When the required memory is found a link is given for the customer to click on, this then takes them to the memory module. (Have yet to add these to the site)


My problem is that when clicked on the link its opening in frame rather than the parent window.


I have tried several different methods to get it to open in the parent window but nothing works.


Here is the link to the configurator



Here is the code I am using in catalog\includes\languages\english\kingston_memory_configurator.php


 $Id: kingsont_memory_configurator.php,v 1.4 2002/11/19 01:48:08 dgw_ Exp $

 osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions

 Copyright (c) 2002 osCommerce

 Released under the GNU General Public License


define('NAVBAR_TITLE', 'Kingston Memory Configurator');
define('HEADING_TITLE', 'Kingston Memory Configurator');

<p align="center">	
<IFRAME SRC="http://www.ec.kingston.com/ecom/config/default.asp?referid=1295" Target="_parent" frameborder="0" TITLE="Kingston Memory Configurator" width="600" height="1000">



I have also tried:



How Can I get this to so that when a link is clicked on it opens on the parent window?


I also would like to get the dhtml menu to work, I am informed that it doesnt work because the javascript is out date but I am unsure on how to fix this also :(




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There is no attribute target for an iframe. Instead you need to add the target to the link at the configurator programm, but I guess you don't have access to to it...



No I dont have access to the actual page the iframe represents. This is hosted and mnaged by kingston themselves.


I could ask them to make the link open the parent window I guess, Wot sort of code would I need to give to them in order for this?




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