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easy populate EXPORT truncating SOME descrtipions


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Working on a large store that we got it all munged up on the products/categories and decided to do a complete export with Easy Populate and move along from there.


While going through the file it became apparent that SOME descriptions were truncated. It is hard to say exactly how many right now.. and we have looked at a select few that we found, comparing to the original Easy Populate upload file and can't see any rhyme or reason why these descriptions were truncated where they were..


On these particular items, if you go into the store the entire description is there.. We even checked the in phpMyAdmin and indeed the full descriotion is there..


It is not as if each was cut off at the same place - say a certain # of characters.. there are MANY that have longer descriptions, many that have less..


It's not any kind of control character that is apparent because in most cases the cut is mid-word.


The other interesting observation is..


the products table contains 4459 lines

the product_description table contains 3209 lines

the Easy Populate export contained roughly 4400 lines (some have already been deleted when the trucation was discovered)


Can anyone offer any advise here and how to overcome this problem - it is a BIG problem for us. I can not stretch the excel column wide enough to see which ones are cut off..

Debbie D
Franklin County, VA "Moonshine Capitol of the World"
osCmax Mobile Template oscmaxtemplates.com

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