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Image sizing & multiple images per product?

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I've read through quite a bit of the inputs regarding images, but cannot really see what I'm looking for.


I have my images ready but unsized as yet. What I was hoping to do is have greater control of the sizing of of the 'click t enlarge' image size. It currently looks like the enlarged image is the same size as the raw image, and whilst the thumbnail size can be controlled, it looks like the enlarged image size cannot..??


Does anyone know if I can regulate the size of the enlarged image, or is it simpler to just edit the raw image size to the size required and then upload?


Also...sorry, can I add more than 1 image?


Thanks in advance

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At first I would suggest to resize the raw images, because it will save you space and time. Also the customers will thank you for faster loading times. It doesn't make sense to put pics in there with a size of 2048x1024 or such. No browser/monitor can display it user friendly.


There is a way to change some code in a file to make the popup images all the same size even if the raw images are not. You just have to hardcode the displayed image size in popup_image.php.


There are a couple of contributions to add more than one image to a product. Perform a search at the contrib section and check out which one suits your needs.

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