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WARNING: I am able to write to the configuration


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Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file: /....../catalog/includes/configure.php. This is a potential security risk - please set the on this file.


what da heck are "right user permissions"?


i've searched and read several posts on this topic, however on all of them people already know where to find & enter THE 755 number. i have no idea!



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Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file: /....../catalog/includes/configure.php. This is a potential security risk - please set the on this file.


what da heck are "right user permissions"?


i've searched and read several posts on this topic, however on all of them people already know where to find & enter THE 755 number. i have no idea!



Use your hosts control panel filemanager. Some ftp programs also do it. You are setting read, write and execute permissions.

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Use a FileZilla it is a free FTP program.Log on to your account and change the attributes to 644 or use your control panel at host and change that attributes

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thank you both for your responses, i really appreciate it!


here's my dilemma, i've already transferred all of my files using the ftp applet. are you saying that i have to download filezilla now to change one file? or do i need to use filezilla to transfer everything all over again?


i'm not sure i understand...

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Download and install filezilla or WinSCP


On the server site, go find configure.php. Right click on configure.php, click on properties. Under permission removable the Write (W). Make the file file 0644

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thank you rebel tech! :thumbsup:


i've downloaded filezilla and i've got the files up.


i right clicked to open the attributes for config.php, are here's what it says:


owner permissions (read, write are both checked)

group permissions (read is checked)

public permissions (read is checked)

numeric value is 644.


what do i do next?

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