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Search Results BUG?


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I have copied a product into 3 different categories. When a search has been carried out that retrieves that product, the results show the product three times. This should not be as it is the same product. Does this happen to anyone else, and can it be fixed?

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Any ideas to fix this though?

USE DISTINCT in SQL QUERY to give only UNIQUE results when resultset has more then one identical results.


ie, check code for query that is generating results in advanced_search, and modify it to include DISTINCT


eg, if original query is "select a, b , c from table 1, ... " to get unique results you may modify as

"Select distinct a, b, c from table 1, .... "


That should do the trick for you, short of time to check query, give it a shot, and if i get time, would post the code here.



Best Regards,

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