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The e-commerce.

Upgrade install 1.x to 2.2 failed on migrating data


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Hi, folks:


I inherited an existing store. I migrated the account to a new server with PHP 5 and MySQL version 14.12 distribution 5. I'm converting OC Commerce from version 1.x (2003) to the current 2.2 version in order to fix left join problems introduced with MySQL 5. (Documented elsewhere on the forum and in bug fixes).


I followed the upgrade instructions - which said first do a pre-install. I installed 2.2 into a new directory, created a new database, and ran install. All worked ok.


Then, per upgrade instructions, I used phpMyAdmin to import an exported version of the old database. About halfway into the import process, I got the following error:




SQL query:

-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump

-- version 2.6.0-pl3

-- http://www.phpmyadmin.net


-- Host: localhost

-- Generation Time: Oct 07, 2007 at 02:52 PM

-- Server version: 3.23.58

-- PHP Version: 4.3.10



-- Table structure for table `address_book`


CREATE TABLE `address_book` (


MySQL said: Documentation

#1050 - Table 'address_book' already exists




So, it looks like the upgrade instructions may be wrong.


I need to complete the upgrade asap, but really don't know what to do at this point. Suggestions? Your help would be appreciated!



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Did you ever get a fix for this?


I am looking to upgrade a site from version 1.19 to 2.2 myself.


Thanks in advance!


Hi, folks:


I inherited an existing store. I migrated the account to a new server with PHP 5 and MySQL version 14.12 distribution 5. I'm converting OC Commerce from version 1.x (2003) to the current 2.2 version in order to fix left join problems introduced with MySQL 5. (Documented elsewhere on the forum and in bug fixes).


I followed the upgrade instructions - which said first do a pre-install. I installed 2.2 into a new directory, created a new database, and ran install. All worked ok.


Then, per upgrade instructions, I used phpMyAdmin to import an exported version of the old database. About halfway into the import process, I got the following error:




SQL query:

-- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump

-- version 2.6.0-pl3

-- http://www.phpmyadmin.net


-- Host: localhost

-- Generation Time: Oct 07, 2007 at 02:52 PM

-- Server version: 3.23.58

-- PHP Version: 4.3.10



-- Table structure for table `address_book`


CREATE TABLE `address_book` (


MySQL said: Documentation

#1050 - Table 'address_book' already exists




So, it looks like the upgrade instructions may be wrong.


I need to complete the upgrade asap, but really don't know what to do at this point. Suggestions? Your help would be appreciated!



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