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Click to Enlarge Not working after Fixed With


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I installed the fixed with page with CSS and after doing that, the "Click to enlarge" link on pics don't work,

i'm using RC1


When I move the mouse over the pic, it doesn't show it is even clickable

When I remove the CSS settings, the pics work again


figuring there was something wrong with this method, I did the fixed width manually by adjusting the width in all the files in the "/catalog" folder and header/foother.php


even after doing this, the pics are not clickable and i cannot enlarge the pics.


What does the table width have to do with the click to enlarge? i can't figure it out

help me

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There's something else wrong, because fixing the width of the site shouldn't have anything at all to do with the javascript function to open a new window.



I really don't understand it, but I narrowed the problem down to the product_info.php screen


<table border="0" width="XXX" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3">


<td width="<?php echo BOX_WIDTH; ?>" valign="top"><table border="0" width="<?php echo BOX_WIDTH; ?>" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">


when I adjust the width XXX to a different number for example 830px, the image is still clickable to be enlarged, but only certain parts of the picture and not the whole picture


if i adjust it to like 750px, then none of the picture is clickable, any ideas? what determines the click area?


if i adjust it back to 100% then the whole picture is clickable

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