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Email help!?


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Ok I have typed in the email transport settings so that it is on smtp. Send emails is also on true. When I click contact us on the shop and type in all of the stuff, a page comes up which says...



Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Safety Restriction in effect. The mail() command is not allowed, contact the admin. in /www/110mb.com/v/i/s/i/o/n/d/e/visiondecks/htdocs/cartty/includes/classes/email.php on line 520


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/110mb.com/v/i/s/i/o/n/d/e/visiondecks/htdocs/cartty/includes/classes/email.php:520) in /www/110mb.com/v/i/s/i/o/n/d/e/visiondecks/htdocs/cartty/includes/functions/general.php on line 33


How can I sort this? I am very confused with smtp server stuff.


I have a gmail account and I enabled POP.


Please help me to sort this so that people can send an email and it will go straight to my gmail.




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It still comes up but I have bought smtp enable on 110mb but it still comes up with


Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Safety Restriction in effect. The mail() command is not allowed, contact the admin. in /www/110mb.com/v/i/s/i/o/n/d/e/visiondecks/htdocs/cartty/includes/classes/email.php on line 520


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/110mb.com/v/i/s/i/o/n/d/e/visiondecks/htdocs/cartty/includes/classes/email.php:520) in /www/110mb.com/v/i/s/i/o/n/d/e/visiondecks/htdocs/cartty/includes/functions/general.php on line 33


Please help.

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