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stock right hand image missing


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There is no image 'cuz it's not in the HTML....



<right-click> on the missing image, and choose "Properties".


Look in the "URL", line.


It says:




Note that no image name is supplied....Just a path.


My guess is it's supposed to be a "Category" image, and you didn't specify/upload one when creating the category.


Since it looks like you're just starting out, I'd delete the category, then re-create it and be sure you specify/upload an image for it.

If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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There is no image 'cuz it's not in the HTML....



<right-click> on the missing image, and choose "Properties".


Look in the "URL", line.


It says:




Note that no image name is supplied....Just a path.


My guess is it's supposed to be a "Category" image, and you didn't specify/upload one when creating the category.


Since it looks like you're just starting out, I'd delete the category, then re-create it and be sure you specify/upload an image for it.


Aha I get it now, thanks germ :)

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