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I need some help! I just moved my site from one server to another. Now on the new server only a few of my links to my products work. Can't figure out why that would happen.


Example: on home page I have a link to lingerie, once you click on it you go to the lingerie page. Now that I have moved the site.....you click on lingerie and it goes right back to the home page.


Any ideas?


Site down and could use some help please..


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Check out your "<a href=" if reflect the file and dir.Most of the time the link do not work is because wrong pointer in "<a href" statement.

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Check out your "<a href=" if reflect the file and dir.Most of the time the link do not work is because wrong pointer in "<a href" statement.


This worked for the links in my top links...thanks for the help.


But looks like the same problem for my leftside column and all my products. I can't seem to find where the files are located. I can't find these <a href=" in any of my site files.


Could these be in the database? Where?


Anyone have a idea



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Well links are generated on run time .. and not stored in database.... just went to baby doll section and link below certainly does have a problem with a forward slash "/" right after index.php and / after cPath should be "="


Should be



Index.php holds the clue.



Best Regards,

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Go into your web shop admin..


configuration >> my store




Use Search-Engine Safe URLs (still in development) to "false"

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