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How do I edit my website!?


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Can someone please go to www.OhCheri.com, scroll down to the bottom of the front page. You will see a photo titled Ashley"" that should say "Ashley". (There are two quotation marks on the right side instead of one quotation mark on either side.) Where do I edit this and other text/photo mistakes in my website? My web designer (please don't ask why this jerk isn't helping me) says it's in my source files, which I can't open because they have a .php extension and my computer is asking what program I use to open this file...how the **bleep** should I know? My server host says I can fix it in OSCommerce, but I have clicked on every button in my administration and I have nothing that tells me how to make edits. Is there another section of OSCommerce that I don't know about?


I really appreciate any help I can get. This seems like it should be so easy that it is driving me crazy (like you couldn't tell).

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Can someone please go to www.OhCheri.com, scroll down to the bottom of the front page. You will see a photo titled Ashley"" that should say "Ashley". (There are two quotation marks on the right side instead of one quotation mark on either side.) Where do I edit this and other text/photo mistakes in my website? My web designer (please don't ask why this jerk isn't helping me) says it's in my source files, which I can't open because they have a .php extension and my computer is asking what program I use to open this file...how the **bleep** should I know? My server host says I can fix it in OSCommerce, but I have clicked on every button in my administration and I have nothing that tells me how to make edits. Is there another section of OSCommerce that I don't know about?


I really appreciate any help I can get. This seems like it should be so easy that it is driving me crazy (like you couldn't tell).



You can open and edit .php files with notepad

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