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The e-commerce.

change admin password?


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My designer came back from the Land Of The Lost and has given me (allegedly) everything I need to access my store, including my OSCommerce username and password which he created. Cool! Now how do I change it? I really don't want him to have access since we're not a very friendly terms anymore.

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The admin area of your site is protected by a .htaccess file.


You'll need to log on to your site's control panel, and somewhere in there (not all control panels are created equal), there will be a place where you can modify the password.


I wish I could be more specific, but not knowing what control panel your provider uses, I can't give the specific clicks it takes to get you where you need to go...



All I can do is point you in the general direction.


If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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I'm confused, my site is with OSCommerce? or do you mean the server site?


The admin area of your site is protected by a .htaccess file.


You'll need to log on to your site's control panel, and somewhere in there (not all control panels are created equal), there will be a place where you can modify the password.


I wish I could be more specific, but not knowing what control panel your provider uses, I can't give the specific clicks it takes to get you where you need to go...



All I can do is point you in the general direction.


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Well, I know for sure the .htaccess protection is in place on the server.


After you get past that, there may be an osCommerce password as well, I can't tell "from the outside looking in".


The only site I've done doesn't have osCommerce password protection, so I don't know how to change that, if indeed you have one.


Hopefully the clouds have parted at least a little...


If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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Geez I feel like a big dummy! I went to my server account and there it was, password protected :-)






Well, I know for sure the .htaccess protection is in place on the server.


After you get past that, there may be an osCommerce password as well, I can't tell "from the outside looking in".


The only site I've done doesn't have osCommerce password protection, so I don't know how to change that, if indeed you have one.


Hopefully the clouds have parted at least a little...


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If it helps any...


On my site, I have to get to what they call the "File Manager" (Not to be confused with the "File Manager" within osC!!!).


When I get a listing of all my files, there is a link at the top that says "Protect". That is where I would go to alter passwords in .htaccess files.


Yours may be similar.


If I suggest you edit any file(s) make a backup first - I'm not perfect and neither are you.


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