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shopping cart.php


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I have installed the ordmaxdropdown mod that puts a drop down button in the shopping cart page. Simply click the arrow, choose the quantity and the cart updates automatically. Very nice mod indeed.


The one problem I have had is if the product name is very long, it will sqeeze the dropdown box. If you put 10 or more of one of these long products in your cart, then you cannot see the number in the box anymore. I finally found this code in shoppingcart.php

//change dropdown

'text' => tep_draw_pull_down_menu('cart_quantity[]', $options, $products[$i]['quantity'], 'onchange="this.form.submit()" style="width: 111%"').tep_draw_hidden_field('products_id[]', $products[$i]['id']));

//end change dropdown


I changed the width to 111% instead of 100 and it does better, but now it sqeezes the little arrow inside the box. What I need is the code that governs the overall size of the quantity box itself. If I can make the entire box bigger, then there will be room for the number and the arrow. Does anyone know how to alter the size of the quantity box on the shopping cart page?



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If I cannot alter the size of the quantity box, can I make the product names 'wordwrap' in the shopping cart? If I could force the product names to do a hard return after x number of characters, that would solve my issue.


I tried putting html breaks in the product names, but the html showed up in some pages.



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