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border color and icon remove


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I cant figure out how to edit a certain piece of the border around my boxes. As well I have not been able to figure out how to remove this "whats new?" icon.


Ive attached an image for reference.


I appreciate all help


I searched many times for info on both and came up empty




thanks so much


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updated image maybe thats why nobody answered?




Also I did a document/source code search for the hex number for the color that is not changing on the border in the reference image on the stylesheet.css file located in pub_html folder and got no results.


Thanks for your time


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The EASY way to remove those corners for your boxes (all of them) is to download pixel_trans.gif, rename it to the same name as the offending image (corner_left.gif corner_right.gif) and then upload the two new images.


The bigger image can be commented out like this


<?php echo// tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES



just add the // and it won't show up anymore.

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wonderful, everything ive asked has gotten an answer and ive been able to fix. Last layout design problem im having is that the bottom bar that goes across the screen that has the date and other info is not spanning all the way across. Picture attached for reference. Also once i fix that I would like to center the site in the middle of the screen so i have a margin on the left and right. Info on how to do this is greatly appreciated. Thank you again for all help thus far.






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It is called your "footeer" and is in catalog/includes/footer.php. If you changed the width of your site you will need to change the width of the footer also so they match.


To center your site check out the contributions section OR just add the center attribute to the tables you need to center;


<table align="center" .......>


You will need to do this for the header, footer and all your pages. It is the first table in your pages right under the body tag;


<!-- body //-->

<table align="center" .....>

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