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The e-commerce.

a little help please...


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Hi - Here are the issues I am having:


1) when I go to the "live catalog" and view the merchandise page I can see a "Yoga Mat" but the cost shows $0. When I log in as an admin person and I edit the information associated with this item the price shows "10.0000" Net but somehow I still get $0. How do I correct this error? This one is a big one as I cannot seem to fix it. Perhaps its something simple - I hope someone can help!

2) when you view the catalog there are a few error messages - how do I remove these so potential customers see a clean site?

3) the language flag (a gif icon) shows a UK flag but we prefer to see a Canadian flag - can I change it and if so how?


Will I need to know "code" and have access to something like Dreamweaver to accomplish this? Or is it something I can configure as I go? From my poking around I see a lot of "edit this .php file" of which I have no knowledge of how to do or where to put if i did!


Thanks in advance,

Chris L.


PS - My page says "This shop is running on osCommerce version osCommerce 2.2-MS2." Not sure if that helps but thought I should mention it.

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Prices Display as Zero



The most common cause of prices displaying as zero on

your website, but showing up correctly in admin is a

change to the default currency for the English

language. There is a connection between languages

and currencies in osCommerce. If you change the

default currency for the English language to (for

example) UK Pounds (symbol =GBP) then you also

need to edit includes/languages/english.php and

where you see 'USD' change it to 'GBP'. It was

assumed when osCommerce was written that if your

language was English then your currency would be

US Dollars :D



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Ah, okay, that makes a bit more sense. I am in Canada, not sure what that means lol.


What is .php? is that programming? or is it something that can be done in OS Config under admin stuff?


Thanks so much for the reply!



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