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The e-commerce.

my sotre always gives free shipping!


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No matter waht method of shipping i choose on checkout _shipping it always says...Free Shipping and free shipping for orders above 15

It must have been installed in your site, it is not standard.

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It must have been installed in your site, it is not standard.



any hint as to how to solve?



i found ot that the text that appears in in spanish and english language under includes/languages/modules/order total


i can erase the text or the varuables but then i get a blank area instead of the shipping

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any hint as to how to solve?

i found ot that the text that appears in in spanish and english language under includes/languages/modules/order total


i can erase the text or the varuables but then i get a blank area instead of the shipping

Search the contributions area for a contrib that offers free shipping, find the one that is on your site, and uninstall it.

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