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Need Help Please...with Who's Online Feature


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PLEASE HELP...my URL is www.rockymountainmattress.com


When viewing the who's online section in the tools I see /URL's that not longer exist on my newly redesigned site. I'm concerned that somehow customers are ending up on old pages of my site that are not maintained because the last URL shown isn't linked to at all from my site.


See examples:


Online ID Full Name IP Address Entry Time Last Click Last URL

00:14:24 0 Guest 21:26:00 21:26:00 /

00:06:17 0 Guest 21:34:07 21:34:07 /rmmsleep-7000-p-56.html?osCsid=be21dd3a9df5b55b1d25653f788c3db9

00:04:27 0 Guest 21:35:57 21:37:27 /images/infobox/corner_right.gif

00:11:12 0 Guest 21:29:12 21:29:12 /advanced_search.php?osCsid=f52eb6f0b150b51b3955cd14e7bf5903

00:03:29 0 Guest 21:36:55 21:36:55 /pomarelle-7-p-112.html?osCsid=80e0c80bc0318d4d31d607ae9a86fa7d

00:01:08 0 Guest 21:39:16 21:40:03 /images/7200ms.jpg


The /rmmsleep is now a new product. The /image/infobox URL is something I don't even know of. The /images/7200 url is an old product images that redirects to my home page, and the /advanced_search URL is something I don't link to from my site anywhere and I have never used ever before.


How is it that customers are ending up on these pages. I'm very concerned I'm losing sells because customers are ending up on pages that are funky looking.


Please help and thank you!

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I wouldn't worry...as long as the URLs are valid and actually take you to a page in YOUR website. LOL.


I see you must be using some SEO contrib...what with the .html extensions and all.


I installed the SEO-G contrib recently and I'm seeing weird things, too.


Like...if I click on my New Items box it takes me to mywebsite.com/new_products.html


But, in Who's Online, I'm seeing people end up on pages like:




Funny how I don't generate that page 1 reference when I navigate my own site, but...for some reason...it is being generated, and I don't know why. I copy and paste that URL into a web browser and it definitely takes me to the same link as new_products.html I dunno why this is happening.


As for URLs that you think no longer exist? I expect they do. Have you tried copying and pasting those URLs into a web browser? You may be generating new .html URLs with your SEO contrib, but it doesn't mean that all of those previous OSC URLs that were indexed by the search engines are dead....yet.


The interesting URLs for me are the ones regarding images. I don't know what to make of that. Perhaps someone is trying to 'borrow' your 'corner_right.gif' to use in their own website? No big deal.


Get worried when you see URLs with extensions that have nothing whatsoever to do with your website. Like....



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Thanks so much for the reply. I guess...I'm glad to know it's happening to someone else. Let's just hope it's not a bad thing and yes, I'm using and SEO URL extension. I see the image URL's all the time. It's a weird thing. I just want to make sure everything is ok.



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I'm glad you feel better, Andrew. It's fascinating what gets picked up by spiders and search engines.


I don't use the Advanced Search link in my website, either. I installed a different Search Box which automatically, by default, searches for keywords in both titles and descriptions.


Yet, if I look around Google...and type in nameofmywebsite advanced search....there I am.


Full on description and URL for mywebsite.com/advanced_search.html


On that note...out of curiosity...I typed in nameofmywebsite corner right gif and wouldn't you know it? I'm linked to some search engine I've never heard of there, too. ???

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