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The e-commerce.

1146 - Table 'candiedapple.whos_online' doesn't exist


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I've tried and tried to figure this out. I've looked on this board and nothing seemed to help me with my problem, or I didn't understand it.


I've looked in my MySql database and it seems that's missing, do I create one and how? I'm extremely lost!


I'm not sure what else to do here, do I HAVE to have who's online??


Any help would be so much appreciated, as I'm just lost!!

Thanks so much!

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You know it is missing for sure? How many tables do you have in the database? Which version of osCommerce are you using?


I am not sure which version I am using, I installed a template that I liked the layout of, and am going to change the look of though. And I was told to install the template, I had to basically reinstall oscommerce all over again.


It shows I have 32 tables in the database and the who's online isn't one of them.


Here is the exact error I get:


1146 - Table 'candiedapple.whos_online' doesn't exist


delete from whos_online where time_last_click < '1191618677'




THANK YOU for helping me I really appreciate this.

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I asked about the version because RC1, the latest version, has an extra table. In your version you should have 46 tables so 14 are missing. Do you have phpmyadmin? If you have that or similar, you can go in and empty the db and run the oscommerce.sql file again. If you get the same thing happening, then oscommerce.sql is most probably corrupt. Not a problem though, we can fix that.

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WOW that's a lot of missing tables! Dang


I tried and it didn't work. I came directly here this time and downloaded OSCommerce, instead of going through GoDaddy (which may not have had the latest version). I deleted the old version, so before I start with reinstalling, what should I do about this template? Could it be the template doing it?


Thanks so much for helping me, you're a Godsend for me right now :)

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I just checked back before going to sleep so I won't be here after this.


The problem with using the latest download from here is it will be incompatible with your template files. i.e. You won't be able to lay the template files over the top of RC1. You would be better going with the GoDaddy install and then using the template files. You can always update your files after. Get yourself a file comparison tool, like WinMerge - it's free!


I'll check back tomorrow.....er....today! :huh:

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