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reread your post.. here is your answer (andrea)


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Ok you are having permission issues on your configure file, to resolve these issues IE you want to write to the file that is read only you need to do as i said in my last post EXCEPT that instead of making it read only you need to make it writable for a guaranteed BUT VERY TEMPORARY measure then CHMOD the file to 777 remember you MUST reset it to its original permission state AS SOON AS YOU HAVE EDITED. or you will get an error message on your install..



CHMOD 777 is to grant ALL permisions to all users groups and owner. to do this you check all boxes in your permissions area. (ftp client/online filemanager for your server this is not a oscommerce feature).


CHMOD 755 is to grant read to all users execute to all users, but write to ONLY the server or anybody who has direct access to the server be it via online file manager ftp or physical access to the server.


CHMOD 444 is what i would suggest, although this could cause a breach in security you will have to type in the path in your browser to the file example. yoursite/catalog/admin/includes/configure,php (if you see the file and any data in it remove set the read permissons to owner or user only, basically you will have only one single box checked or a CHMOD value of 400.


Hope this helps


For more information on CHMOD try googling CHMOD values, this should bring a few helpful sites that will give a table or something with a list of CHMOD values for you to either save for later use or bookmark :)

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