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Credit card to paypal?


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hello there!


im wondering if theres any way to hook up the CC payment to Paypal



currently im in the test phase and have no clue what to do with a CC payment that ive made.



is there any way i can accept CC and it will automatically add the charge to my paypal account?

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You dont need to "hook up" the cradit card payments to paypal, osc has a module for paypal already it also has support for ipn (instant paymnt notification)


To accept regular credit card payment you need a premier or business account with paypal, if you do not have this you will only be able to recieve a few credit card payments per year, i forget the exact ammount, also you will only be able to recieve a limited amount of money into your account.


to use ipn you will need to download a certificate from paypal, go to paypal and click merchant tools (premier account or business) from there you need to work out how to use paypals certificate with osc, it is apparently quite simple, i say apparently because ive yet to manage getting it installed, so i dont use the ipn and just use paypal module, you will also need to turn on the option to recieve credit card payments at paypal under the profile heading.


other than that i would suggest that if you want to do that you make your customers aware before they get to check out that your credit card transactions are processes via paypal and nothing is stored on your site, if you are to store their cc details on your site there are major security implimentations and legal obligations that you MUST address and combine into your server and company BEFORE you even think of storing a credit card.


My advice, let paypal take the hassle of keeping things secure, that is after all what you are paying them for when they take money out of your earnings.


If you want to store card details, then paypals site has links on it to further information on what you need to do to make your customers information safe.

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