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New Template Installed, how to link pages to navigation buttons and other images


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OK I have read through tons and tons of forums and documentation but still haven't come across an answer yet. I am going to have a template installed, it will be a fresh install of template and oscommerce shopping cart. the desin has the side left navigation for categories and things and the top has menu buton navigation for likr contacts, products, etc... my question is after the install will the menu buttons and navigation be linked to pages since it is a new install? How do I get everything linked up so when you click on something it goes to he correct page? Do I create the pages and categories first, then instal or do it after the install then go back and link them. Will the program just know what it has to do? Probably not. How do I do that, where do I do that? My scripting ability is as good as my flying ability so if I have to use scripting I am stuck. I have looked everywhere to try and find documentation on this but no luck. I need step by step instructions on how to do this. I am new to this so if I can get detailed instructions that would be awsome!! Thank you to whoever gives me a response.

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ok this is my first post on this site....I've not started using this ecommerce till now but i'm going to after a week.....so i'm making a template for my client.......its still in photoshop stage but this is what i'm going to do after its done....


I'll looked for the code of navigation......its all php....so you may find it really hard to understand if you don't know php...


better idea is to put the links without the php code......just put the direct html code (Warning.......u need to update the navigation every time u update the categories or anything that relates to the navigation......there will be no automatic name change in the navigation.......like if u remove the category mens wear.....then it will not automatically get removed from the navigation.......)


so u have a navigation image for mens wear......


now goto ur store and take ur mouse over the category's links.....then copy the link location......then just paste it with the navigation image.......something like this :


Image without a link :

<img src="images/home.gif" />


Image with a link :

<a href="http://name of ur store.com/index.php?cPath=1><img src="images/home.gif" /></a>


the above codes are just sample and u have to use ur own links.....


You should have knowledge of html......otherwise no hope ...


@Everyone, I know there must be more better ways to do the above but i'm new to this and there's a lot i have to learn....so if anyone u got any better ways then please mention them here.....i would also like to know :)



-Team Beyond-

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  • 1 month later...

Thank you so much for your help. My site is done with the template installed. Check it out if you want to at http://www.divinechic.com



ok this is my first post on this site....I've not started using this ecommerce till now but i'm going to after a week.....so i'm making a template for my client.......its still in photoshop stage but this is what i'm going to do after its done....


I'll looked for the code of navigation......its all php....so you may find it really hard to understand if you don't know php...


better idea is to put the links without the php code......just put the direct html code (Warning.......u need to update the navigation every time u update the categories or anything that relates to the navigation......there will be no automatic name change in the navigation.......like if u remove the category mens wear.....then it will not automatically get removed from the navigation.......)


so u have a navigation image for mens wear......


now goto ur store and take ur mouse over the category's links.....then copy the link location......then just paste it with the navigation image.......something like this :


Image without a link :

<img src="images/home.gif" />


Image with a link :

<a href="http://name of ur store.com/index.php?cPath=1><img src="images/home.gif" /></a>


the above codes are just sample and u have to use ur own links.....


You should have knowledge of html......otherwise no hope ...


@Everyone, I know there must be more better ways to do the above but i'm new to this and there's a lot i have to learn....so if anyone u got any better ways then please mention them here.....i would also like to know :)



-Team Beyond-

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ok this is my first post on this site....I've not started using this ecommerce till now but i'm going to after a week.....so i'm making a template for my client.......its still in photoshop stage but this is what i'm going to do after its done....


I'll looked for the code of navigation......its all php....so you may find it really hard to understand if you don't know php...


better idea is to put the links without the php code......just put the direct html code (Warning.......u need to update the navigation every time u update the categories or anything that relates to the navigation......there will be no automatic name change in the navigation.......like if u remove the category mens wear.....then it will not automatically get removed from the navigation.......)


so u have a navigation image for mens wear......


now goto ur store and take ur mouse over the category's links.....then copy the link location......then just paste it with the navigation image.......something like this :


Image without a link :

<img src="images/home.gif" />


Image with a link :

<a href="http://name of ur store.com/index.php?cPath=1><img src="images/home.gif" /></a>


the above codes are just sample and u have to use ur own links.....


You should have knowledge of html......otherwise no hope ...


@Everyone, I know there must be more better ways to do the above but i'm new to this and there's a lot i have to learn....so if anyone u got any better ways then please mention them here.....i would also like to know :)



-Team Beyond-

The error in the above scenario is that the links that are created will cause the loss of the session ID, in other words, the cart will not be retained once the link is clicked.


There are several options available. My favorite is the following that requires a basic skillset of CSS and HTML:




When making category and product links, try following this example:

Adding php links to a regular graphic uses the tep_href_link() function which is what carries the session id.


Link Graphic to Individual Product ID


<?php echo '<p><a href="' . tep_href_link('product_info.php', 'cPath=1&products_id=1') . '"><img src="images/graphic.jpg" alt="Graphic" name="graphic_name" width="66" height="100" border="0" id="graphic_name"></a></p>'; ?>


Note: This only works on a php page.


Link Graphic to Page


<?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_DEFAULT) . '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'graphic.jpg', 'graphic text') . '</a>'; ?>


Text Links


Text links can be added a couple of ways which is a matter of preference.


<?php echo '<a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT) . '">' . 'CHECKOUT' . '</a>'; ?>


Or like this:


<a href="<?php echo tep_href_link(FILENAME_CHECKOUT, '', 'SSL'); ?>" class="links"><?php echo HEADER_TITLE_CHECKOUT; ?></a>


Hope this helped you out,

Edited by bkellum

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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