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Language switch problem


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I have 3 languages on my osCommerce installation. not default ones. but when i switch them and press any button to move to another page, language just switches back to default.


i nearly found out the problem, but i need some more asistence, cuz i don`t know where to search.


ok the problem is right here:



before osCsid there`s "? " but as far as i know PHP , there must be "&". when i change it, languages works.


does anyone know where i can change this link, cuz it`s like global defined, but i don`t know where exactly..


P.S. and yes, i`m noob at PHP, so be gentle :D



Really, waiting for answer!

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I have 3 languages on my osCommerce installation. not default ones. but when i switch them and press any button to move to another page, language just switches back to default.


i nearly found out the problem, but i need some more asistence, cuz i don`t know where to search.


ok the problem is right here:



before osCsid there`s "? " but as far as i know PHP , there must be "&". when i change it, languages works.


does anyone know where i can change this link, cuz it`s like global defined, but i don`t know where exactly..


P.S. and yes, i`m noob at PHP, so be gentle :D

Really, waiting for answer!


page.com ?:D

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well i just typed in something :D well there goes domain, but i don`t want the page to be public jet, so.... :)


can u add a link ? so we can see :) its stil privet u know :)

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OK i found it, but now i have problem with switch.. in file - html_output.php theres code:


	if (tep_not_null($parameters)) {
  $link .= $page . '?' . tep_output_string($parameters);
  $separator = '&';
} else {
  $link .= $page;
	$separator = '?';


the second $seperator variable says what to give before osCsid variable in adress bar. something`s not working there :/


what elseif switch should i make there, so osC give me 2 different kind of simbols - ? when osCsid is the first variable in adress and & when there`s another variable before it?



please help!

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  • 1 year later...

the problem is with that button link in all modules where it is included.

it should be (somewhere about line 131):




should be:



then everything is working fine

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