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So... Who believes in life on other planets?


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So... Who believes in life on other planets, in other solar systems, in other galaxies etc.?


Thoughts, comments?


Please try not to turn this into a religious god thread. I don't care what religious beliefs everyone has on who created what, where, when, why etc.


Simply based on the fact our Sun is a star with planets that rotate around it, the fact there are billions and trillions of others stars in our galaxy alone and there are tons of other galaxies else where outside our own Milkyway, I think it only makes sense that there is life else where.


Considering how new the life we have here on modern day earth is, I would even guess there would be older societies elsewhere with much more technology. I mean if you take into account the universe is millions and billions of years old.

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I wonder if they use osCommerce as well. Might see if we can get a forum linked with them if they do.

I think they do, they even post on the forums.

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I am of the belief it is not other planets only, but other dimensions....maybe in another dimension M$ was broken up and no longer puts out crappy apps and expects people to take it dry from them :)


As for the other planets, maybe we should use our iPhones to call them (opps mine is an iBrick now)....


Peter M

Peter McGrath


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I am of the belief it is not other planets only, but other dimensions....maybe in another dimension M$ was broken up and no longer puts out crappy apps and expects people to take it dry from them :)


As for the other planets, maybe we should use our iPhones to call them (opps mine is an iBrick now)....


Peter M

Most of the aliens barrack for Collingwood, the rest navigate their way to Dearth and then cannot find anything on the forum.


Only closed strings go from one dimension to another.

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Well judging by some of the people I deal with on a daily basis there definately has to be life on other planets because most of them aint on this planet :wacko:

Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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Considering how new the life we have here on modern day earth is, I would even guess there would be older societies elsewhere with much more technology. I mean if you take into account the universe is millions and billions of years old.

I bet they get 3.0 before we do. :-

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

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