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Very Wired Problem Happening In Database


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I have a version of MS2.2 RC1 installed on a server I use for installing contributions before loading to the live site. I have just started getting this problem, I will do practice orders and all seems fine, and some items I take down to a zero quantity when ordering. Throughout the day I will work on the site and check items and they all correspond correctly with pricing and quantity. But, if I check back in a day or so, all pricing is zero and items all go to a negative amount, -18 ect??? I am the only one on the site. Any ideas?


Thanks JR

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One thing I did change is the below. Makes it so no more than in database can be ordered.


Thanks JR




$products_name .= $stock_check;






$products_name .= $stock_check . " (Only " .tep_get_products_stock($products[$i]['id']) . " in our stock)";

$products[$i]['quantity'] = tep_get_products_stock($products[$i]['id']);


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