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13 OsCommerce Customized Templates


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Hi, I just put up 13 OsCommerce templates on my site; figure since I found them I'd share with the world so. They're very slick with Flash elements and some with ASP content.


They are located at http://www.dangerstudio.com


Feel free to download, comment, etc.


Enjoy fellow OsCommercers :)

Danger Studio Online - Essential Windows / Developer Downloads, Forums, Tutorials and Articles. Visit our community

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Hi: I have a problem with those template, after I installed them, in the admin section a user and password are not required, how can I modify this ??


You need to set up .htaccess file password protecting the directory or go through you hosting admin control panel and set permission/password on the folder /admin in your /catalog.

Danger Studio Online - Essential Windows / Developer Downloads, Forums, Tutorials and Articles. Visit our community

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Nice collection do you got any Gift Shop template please ?


Something like this :








They are too expensive, i am going to start my cart and i cant invest that much money already in template :(


Thanks :) for your help

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Nice collection do you got any Gift Shop template please ?


Something like this :








They are too expensive, i am going to start my cart and i cant invest that much money already in template :(


Thanks :) for your help


We're going to add 10 new ones by the end of the month; I'll add a gift shop one for you. The one you showed ]me in the last link isn't hard to create actually I'll put up something like it. Most customization is easy to make, simply altering images and colors (different style sheets.)


You are right, 100 bucks is way much for starters, although you could do what I did at first, install a test cart on your server and modify the files by editing colors of tables, backgrounds and inserting images in random spots (especially header/footer.).



Edited by dangerstudio.com

Danger Studio Online - Essential Windows / Developer Downloads, Forums, Tutorials and Articles. Visit our community

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Thanks dangerstudio :)


I will do directly my personalization when you ll make a gift template :) While you release those I ll try to play with templates myself. You advise me to install STS 4.5 ? Is it more easy with this ?

Edited by pardesi
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Thanks dangerstudio :)


I will do directly my personalization when you ll make a gift template :) While you release those I ll try to play with templates myself. You advise me to install STS 4.5 ? Is it more easy with this ?


I presonally don't use STS, the best way I think modifying OsCommerce is by hand-editing the files yourself. Some people might think otherwise; on dangerstudio.com in the download section you'll find a peice of software called WindowsGrep; this software is used to search lines of code for matching strings on any of the PHP files. I use this software to locate positioning of text in OsCommerce and know where to add an image, a div tag, a flash element or a dynamic contact peice. I recommend the best way to start learning to hand-edit is to install a fresh copy of OSC and do live modifications through FTP.


For example; here's a screenshot I took of live editing the right hand menu by adding an image.



There's different ways to go about it, when I am able I'm going to write some good tutorials but so far I am working on developing a huge library of resources for everyone. I think it's best to live edit the shop via FTP, preview in the brwoser, and go on with the editing. Since OSC platform is so flexible you can insert anything, anywhere you'd like.


The #1 rule is, always make back-ups. :thumbsup:

Danger Studio Online - Essential Windows / Developer Downloads, Forums, Tutorials and Articles. Visit our community

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I know how to manual edit things as I use phpbb for years now. I use Pspad and dreamweaver for editing, But the thing that disturb me in Oscommerce is that there is no separate template thing. So you have to do direct modifications in php files ? also the Template already got a lot of options how do they program it ?

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I know how to manual edit things as I use phpbb for years now. I use Pspad and dreamweaver for editing, But the thing that disturb me in Oscommerce is that there is no separate template thing. So you have to do direct modifications in php files ? also the Template already got a lot of options how do they program it ?


Modding phpBB is very similar to OSC, only phpBB is made easy back-end to install templates and you have a better UI in terms of adding content. With OSC all the mods added, much like contributions, are hand-coded. When you install a contribution you modify few lines of code, unless you overwrite existing files with an already modded file (unless you have other contributions installed and don't want to conflict, you would have to manually add them in.). I added a few contributions to the templates, especially Order Editor and Manual Order Maker; all the other cosmetic mods are handcoded in (you can search the lines of code to see where they're entered.).


I just finished a new one a few moments ago, I always start out with a fresh OSC copy and take it on from there. I think it's best to manually do the editing; you have more control over what you do since you're the one physically adding the modification.


Dreamweaver is an amazing tool for editing; that's pretty much all you need besides a good program to search code for exact location of where you want to add an object. That, plus any FTP tool that lets you do live editing.


The few stores I expect on releasing will have all kinds of third-party additions such as a Shout Tag Board, Skype and ICQ integration and built in hit counters (seperate from the contributions you see now.).


If you go to http://www.dynamicdrive.com or http://www.hotscripts.com you can implement any of those in OSC by embading the script code into the existing OSC pages. This gives birth to new options, features, look and feel. Something I expect on becoming big once enough pre-configured stores are released rather than the plain, base OSC cart you can download here.


It would be great to see a better UI for installing mods and editing pages directly through OSC's admin panel, but somehow cross-installing multi-contributions and features always conflict.. Which ends up in 100s of random errors that are visible and some errors that exist but you can't see until someone actually complains "I get an error when I try to.." which could all be avoided if careful testing takes place..


The only way so far I know of, of making the kind of additions and cosmetic change to OSC is by manually editing each file. Cosmetic mods don't affect the store in any way but the look of it. Addition 'Features' always conflicts somehow with an existing module.. if two or more are installed.


Maybe they're going to release an easy UI editor that would prevent conflicting, until that time (which I think will be a very long time) hand-coding and manual editing is your best bet to get the results you want. :)


The cool thing is, OSC is so versitile you can add ANYTHING to it. One thing I love about it and hate about all other stores is that if you want to add a board, a game, a forum, link exchange, directory swaps, image galleries, upload and account systems, etc. It can all be done within minutes if you know how to plug them in.


I found some good tutorials I'm planning on posting on the site, as well as write a few. I am collecting as much information possible at the moment so I can bang out an amazing resource site that would answer all those questions and than some. :)

Danger Studio Online - Essential Windows / Developer Downloads, Forums, Tutorials and Articles. Visit our community

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Thanks for this detailed reply :) I am playing with it but i need to know which files are used for designing purpose of the site I saw right, left header and footer in include is there any other files ?. The templates you are proposing free can i just overwrite my OSC files are they up to date ? or I must manual do all edits ? Do you know any free tool that can let me do merging ?


Are you planing to realse or help me for gift site template the one that i showed you above payed link ? if you got MSN we may talk more easily ?



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I overwritten my files except configure.php with all files from template sport and now site is not more working and i am getting the following error :


Server Requirement Error: register_globals is disabled in your PHP configuration. This can be enabled in your php.ini configuration file or in the .htaccess file in your catalog directory.

What i have to do ? I had backup my confugure file before and uploaded it what am i missing ?

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I overwritten my files except configure.php with all files from template sport and now site is not more working and i am getting the following error :

What i have to do ? I had backup my confugure file before and uploaded it what am i missing ?


You need to configure the .htaccess document that is on catalog


you need to add this line:


php_value register_globals 1

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Thanks, but I stattred modifying basic template and i am learning fast how it works :D


But need a little help, I have put on the bottom of logo the currency, language and cart (by copying boxe code to the header for each) but for each option i have a Square Box arround it :( How can i take off ? I figured out that it has something to do with : new infoBox($info_box_contents); but how to use other variabel to not have that square box arround ?


Thanks for your help :)

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hi you have done a fantastic job by offering your free templates. I would like to use one of your template but i only want design code, im already running a shop so i don't want to go through all installation process all over again.

can you please advise me what specific files I can modify.



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I presonally don't use STS, the best way I think modifying OsCommerce is by hand-editing the files yourself.

I respect your opinion but I would have to vote otherwise.



STS gives the user ALL of the control for the design elements hidden deep within osC as well as add a ton of nifty features. I agree that the design of osC can be modified easy enough IF you are well versed in PHP, which most osC users ARE NOT. This is where STS comes in very handy. The store owner can spend less time designing the shop to their needs and more time on things such as marketing, sales, etc.


I think there is a strong contingency of osC users for BOTH methods of modifying the design and I promote them equally. Here is an excellent resource for customizing your osC shop without using STS: http://www.oscommerce.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=139426


:thumbsup: I do applaud the fact that you are giving away your own designs! Bravo! Your efforts help keep Open Source projects alive! Keep up the excellent work!

Edited by bkellum

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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Great templates. I especially love the one for appliances. I have uploaded this template except my config file. Everything runs fine except when i try to log on as as admnistrator i get this error:


Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) in /home/somesite.com/admin/includes/functions/database.php on line 19

Unable to connect to database server!

Any ideas on how i can resolve this without re-uploading my default files.

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Hi DangerStudio.com,


Thanks for these great templates! I downloaded the appliances one but how do I install it?


I tried just copying everything over onto a vanilla 2.2 install (had to chmod the configure.php's to allow the write) but I now get this (on both shop and admin side:


'Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in /home/gadgeta/public_html/includes/functions/database.php on line 19

Unable to connect to database server!'


Am I trying to install in the wrong way?



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I love your templates, they are very nice. However, I am very new to OSC and am unsure how to install them. Originally I just simply copied all the files in the template to my host (overwriting the old ones) and started getting tons of errors and could not access the catalog or admin. The only file I could access was install so I ran that. Got through the install "successfully" and still could not access anything. Still tons (although new) errors. After looking through your forums AND these ones, I couldn't find any answers so I just reinstalled OSC and it seems to be working beautifully now. Which files do I overwrite to keep it working but not get all those bad errors? I'm sure once I learn more about OSC this will seem like a silly question, but beginners have to start somewhere right? ;) Thanks for any help you can provide!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I'm getting that same "Warning: mysql_connect()... etc" error. Is there a fix for this, or do I have to just delete it and reinstall? If I'm starting from the fresh Osc again, how do I install one of those templates (I get the feeling I've missed something)?



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Thanks for the templates. I downloaded the lingerie shop and have done some extensive modifications. Although not finished, I am pretty happy with it so far. However, I have an error that I don't know how to resolve:


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare tep_show_category() (previously declared in /home/creative/public_html/osCommerce/catalog/includes/boxes/categories.php:12) in /home/creative/public_html/osCommerce/catalog/includes/boxes/categories.php on line 12


You can see my store at:https://st77.startlogic.com/~creative/osCommerce/catalog/index.php?osCsid=0bf81da827cd7b7384c9947e22b1faf0.


I get the error when I click on a product. I don't like the way this page looks, but I think it may be linked to this error.


Anyone able to help with this one?

Edited by carolannjo
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  • 2 weeks later...

OK I was able to figure it out after extensive hours reading the message boards :) (duh right) and figured I'd let everyone know what I did for these templates. I just went through each file (since I was changing a live store) and replaced my old file with the modified one. I also uploaded all the images. Works like a charm. I know that's really vague but if you have a live store you don't want to replace what you've already got with something that won't work. Then you just go through those files and customize to your liking. If you search a little bit, all the answers you could possible need are right here on these boards.


Hope this helps newbies to know where they are going to need to start.



There is one thing I can't figure out though. I can't see where to edit the text on the tabs (I'm running the flower shop template). I know where to edit the text for the links in the upper box but not these. IF someone can tell me which file contains this information I'd appreciate it.

Edited by tskinner
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I don't want to rain on anyone's parade here but these templates are available elsewhere online.


Pet store, for example:



Beauty shop:



Sports gear shop:





Either they are danger studios, and others are selling them or ...


Solar powered gadgets at down to earth prices.



Promoting British Design

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