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EasyPopulate 1.0 - Populate your store from Excel / csv


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We have been using this topic to get Easy Populate working on our site and have been successful in terms of installation and uploading aobut 400 products. All working well EXCEPT the import will not update pricing.


All products are shown with $0.00 and not the price refelected on the spreadsheet. After importing EP admin shows $ price but when viewing actual product it still shows $0.00.


Any ideas???



Thanks and regards,



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I've tried installing Easy Populate.. but as soon as I click on it to start in Admin, I get a Warning error from config.php that says ~/easypopulate.php cannot be found


Could this be related to CHMOD? I followed the install instructions from the Manual.


In any case.. I was also wondering.. what more does EP do than.. say.. simply using phpMyAdmin to upload a csv file?



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Hi all,

I'm using this contribution with Admin access with levels.

If i try to load/split a file, when i click on the INSERT button, it will always reset to the "login" screen with no result...anyone experienced this problem before or fixed?

The Temp dir are correct...but dunno how to solve this,


Fabrizio ;)

Advice on forum are Free, Email or Pm to fix your site is work...which I charge for :)


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  • 5 weeks later...



I modified the code to add more pictures, say, 6 pictures.


the first three are fine. But the rest were not inserted for some reason, I believe I didn't get the variables ($v_products_subimage4~$v_products_subimage6) set. I searched the whole code for $v_products_subimage1 but only found two entries, one for insert, another for update, I am confused, where is this varaible got set to some value?



part of my codes































// unmcomment these lines if you are running the image mods


$query .= // $v_products_mimage . '", "'

"'". $v_products_bimage . "',"."'"

. $v_products_subimage1 . "',"."'"

. $v_products_bsubimage1 . "',"."'"

. $v_products_subimage2 . "',"."'"

. $v_products_bsubimage2 ."',"."'"

. $v_products_subimage3 . "',"."'"

. $v_products_bsubimage3 . "',"."'"

. $v_products_subimage4 . "',"."'"

. $v_products_bsubimage4 . "',"."'"

. $v_products_subimage5 . "',"."'"

. $v_products_bsubimage5 . "',"."'"

. $v_products_subimage6 . "',"."'"

. $v_products_bsubimage6 . "',";


// end of more images


$query .=" '$v_products_model',












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i have additional_images mod. when i remove all the comments, i get a parse 1825 error. form another thread, i replaced:


$query .=  . $v_products_mimage . '", "'
     . $v_products_bimage . '", "'
     . $v_products_subimage1 . '", "'
     . $v_products_bsubimage1 . '", "'
     . $v_products_subimage2 . '", "'
     . $v_products_bsubimage2 . '", "'
     . $v_products_subimage3 . '", "'
     . $v_products_bsubimage3 . '", "'

with this:

$query .=  " ' $v_products_mimage',
                             ' $v_products_subimage1',
                             ' $v_products_subimage2',
                             ' $v_products_bsubimage2',
                             ' $v_products_subimage3',
                             ' $v_products_bsubimage3',";

That took away the parse error. but now it gives me the TEP STOP error and wont complete my upload. is this not compatible with additional_mod?

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i have additional_images mod. when i remove all the comments, i get a parse 1825 error. form another thread, i replaced:


$query .= ?. $v_products_mimage . '", "'
? ? ?. $v_products_bimage . '", "'
? ? ?. $v_products_subimage1 . '", "'
? ? ?. $v_products_bsubimage1 . '", "'
? ? ?. $v_products_subimage2 . '", "'
? ? ?. $v_products_bsubimage2 . '", "'
? ? ?. $v_products_subimage3 . '", "'
? ? ?. $v_products_bsubimage3 . '", "'

with this:

$query .= ?" ' $v_products_mimage',
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?'$v_products_bimage',
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?' $v_products_subimage1',
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?'$v_products_bsubimage1',
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?' $v_products_subimage2',
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?' $v_products_bsubimage2',
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?' $v_products_subimage3',
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?' $v_products_bsubimage3',";

That took away the parse error. but now it gives me the TEP STOP error and wont complete my upload. is this not compatible with additional_mod?

use my code above, the insert part doesn' have images fields in.

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  • 2 months later...

Dear Kolleagues,


I've discovered that the Froogle file includes items set as 'inactive'.

Has there been a recent update, or is there a fix around for this?


Thanks heaps!


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Hi Kolleagues,


another question:

In which file and around which lines could I redefine the column headers and the output format for the values of the froogle file?

I'm trying to adapt it to another price comparison engine.




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I have edited my database and then from Easy Populate 2.72-ms2 I browsed to my newly edited database (in Excel then saved as a csv), in the Split EP file space. Then I clicked split file.


Now at the top it shows created 1 ....... added 300 records...... all the way to split12.txt. Then it says You can download your split files in the tools/files under /catalog/temp.


But I want to upload them.


What am I doing wrong? Can anyone see the stupid mistake I am making, (if any)?

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I thought I would try to fix the above issue. However, I didn't fix it, but found that I can't download the split files either. I get this error message


Internet Explorer cannot download ....(bunch of characters).. from host 136ipowerweb.com


Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later.


Can anyone help with this?


I thought I was almost there.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi, I'm using easypopulate (which is an excellent contribution and has saved me countless hours). I added a new field to MySQL database in the product_description table called products.msds. I need to be able to download and upload that field but I'm not sure how to alter my easypopulate install. I've looked through the forum but can't find a clear answer. Please help!


P.S. I pretty much only the Download Complete Tab Delimited Text File (and upload).



Contributions Used:


B2B Suite

Description in Product Listing

Header Tag Controller


Purchase Orders

USA Flag

Local Delivery

New Attributes Editor


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I am using the latest milestone release of OCS and Easy Populate 2.74-MS2 - Default Language : English(1).


EP downloads file to my local pc fine, however when I try to upload the file i get a 500 server error, details from the log below:


[sun Jun 13 06:56:05 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/whoisnum/public_html/chemaidedirect/catalog/admin]


It looks to me as it looking in the incorrect path for the file to upload? I've checked as much as I can, I have a catalog\temp dir with full permissions etc.


Can anyone help?


Thanks in advance



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There's a tutorial on adding your own fields to easypopulate, it's available at http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1717


Straightforward enough, but I have some trouble with it :D


when I try to upload a file, I get this error output:


File uploaded.

Termporary filename: C:\WINDOWS\phpF.tmp

User filename: test.xls

Size: 1244180

| 2 | C:\Program | 44 Minutes | On Februar | | 6.5 | | | | | | | | Crime | | | | | Michael Ma | English DT | English, C !New Product!

1136 - Column count doesn't match value count at row 1


INSERT INTO products ( products_image, products_model, products_price, products_status, products_last_modified, products_date_added, products_date_available, products_tax_class_id, products_weight, products_quantity, title_actors, title_audio, title_subs, manufacturers_id) VALUES ( 'C:\Program Files\Collectorz.com\Movie Collector\Data\Images\44 Minutes_ The North Hollywoo0_f.jpg', '2', '6.5', '1', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, '', '', '1', 'Michael Madsen as Frank McGregor; Ron Livingston as Donnie Anderson; Ray Baker as Harris; Douglas Spain as Bobby Martinez; Andrew Bryniarski as Larry Eugene Phillips Jr.; Oleg Taktarov as Emil Matasareanu; Clare Carey as Frank's Wife; Alex Meneses as Gomez; Dale Dye as SWAT Lieutenant; Katrina Law as Kate; Mario Van Peebles as Henry; Julian Dulce Vida as Luis Rivera; Jerry Lambert as Randy Wills' 'English DTS, English DD5.1' 'English, Chinese, Malay, Thai' 'NULL')


Seems something does not match, but I've checked the code, I can't find anything wrong :(

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Hi, I am new to OS Commerce and have searched the forums and can't find a solution to this problem.


I am running a recent snapshot of OSC and have installed the following contributions successfully (i think)

Latest News 1.1

Seperate Pricing per customer 2.6

UK recorded & Standard delivery contribs

& Fax Credit Card Detail


I have just installed the Easypopulate and the link appears in the admin fine. I have gone through the configuration values and it seems fine (its a default install so file locations are unchanged).


The problem being when i click easypopulate nothing happens it goes to the correct link, but no errors,no nufink :(, just a blank page.


Help :)

Thanks all :)



"I have just installed the Easypopulate and the link appears in the admin fine. I have gone through the configuration values and it seems fine (its a default install so file locations are unchanged).


The problem being when i click easypopulate nothing happens it goes to the correct link, but no errors,no nufink :(, just a blank page."


I am encountering the exact same problem, read the through the rest of the thread as well, but could not find an answer to this problem.





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not many even look here, as there is a newer thread for EP here:




so post there, you will get tons of answers.


also a script that works which has lots of extra fields is here:




thomas you have an error, where you state you are adding the image first but if u look at what gets added first, it is the model #


you need to remove the path to your image folder, if the image is in the regular images folder, if below then put it as folder/image.jpg


chopperman, if you dont have a catalog folder, then you may have named it differently. if new install and you dont care too much, then reinstall being careful how you do it. use the knowledge base installation procedures, follow that.


marcel, you are missing something, try reinstalling the easypopulate.php in the admin. what version of osc do u use? is it one where you need to 'authorize' the use of the files?

Edited by Mibble
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not many even look here, as there is a newer thread for EP here:




so post there, you will get tons of answers.


chopperman, if you dont have a catalog folder, then you may have named it differently. if new install and you dont care too much, then reinstall being careful how you do it. use the knowledge base installation procedures, follow that.

Thanks for the hints. I'll repost over at the other thread.


With regards to my install, my service provider is using installatron to script the install remotely. All I get is a prompt for a directory on the virtual server where to put the installation (i.e. https://www.mydomain.com/store)

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"marcel, you are missing something, try reinstalling the easypopulate.php in the admin. what version of osc do u use? is it one where you need to 'authorize' the use of the files?"


Version? Dunno, did not install this myself and can't find a version number. The latest files seem to be from Nov 2003 though.


Will have another look at the files today.



Edited by Khun Marcel
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chopperman, you should have an option to change that folder to something else. actually you should have the option to install whatever version you want to install too. if your host doesnt let you do that, then you should consider changing hosts.

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Well, had another go at it, but no luck.

- Tried using the alternate easypopulate_functions.php, no luck.

- Reduced the number of maxrecs to 4, no luck.

- Confirmed that the temp directory exists and is 777.

- uncommented the set_time_limit(330); line, no luck.


I then played a bit further and noticed that the Tools link (which goes to /admin/backup.php?selected_box=tools) gives the same result, i.e. Mozilla telling me it encountered an HTTP 500: Server Error.


Could the installation of osCommerce be messed up?



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  • 2 weeks later...



I use the Easypopulate v2.72-MS2 (with attributes) Contribution. Works fine, but when i edit the category in my csv list or add a new product with a new category, the category and the product are not shown in the shop.

A look in the Database shows me that a category was added, but only with one language.

Is there someone who can tell me how to make it possible to change the Category in the CSV list with multilanguage?




Thanks in advance,


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