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EasyPopulate 1.0 - Populate your store from Excel / csv


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Every time i import the data from the same data file, I do not change the products model field. But it still creates a new record. It never indicates "products updated".... always tells me "products added".

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It's the procut_model field alright. I have just re-read the documentation after updating to easy populate V2.53 (just to check if a version update would fic the issue) and realised that my products_models filed in my database was set to the default length of 12. I checked my data that I was importing and all data in that field was longer than 12!!. I have changed my product_models field length to 20 and now Easy Populate is updating instead of adding new products.


Thanks for your help, it pointed me in the right direction.



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whew, I know quite a bit about EP and it was making me crazy that I couldn't figure it out. I thought about the product field legnth issue and forgot to include it when I was typing!

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just installed easy populate and get a


Fatal error: Cannot redeclare tep_get_tax_class_title() (previously declared in /home/excessl/public_html/shop/admin/includes/functions/general.php:1111) in /home/excessl/public_html/shop/admin/easypopulate_functions.php on line 34


error also

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Check that you entered the correct path to the images.


The products_model field is how Easy Populate identifies the products and changes the information about them in the database. This is a unique number for each product. I usually use a letter-number combination and click and drag to autofill.


Also make sure that this number is less than 12 characters or you change the setting in mysql for the field to make it longer.

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Greetings All!


Egad! What a huge thread!


I just did my first Froogle tab-delineated export... and in comparing it to Froogle's official doc on "How to Create and Send a Froogle Data Feed", I have a few questions / see a few possible problems:


1) Are the comments at the beginning of the file going to cause Froogle to choke on my file?


2) I see "product_url" as THREE column titles instead of one. It apparently uses this instead of "product_name" and "product_description" ??


3) All these extra columns that aren't mentioned in Froogle's doc (offer_id, manufacturer, size, color, etc.)... is Froogle gonna choke on my file if I leave these in ?


4) The "category" tree is displaying in reverse! In other words, it's showing up as "subcat > cat" instead of "cat > subcat".



Yeah, I can fix #2 and #4 myself in the code... but I wanted to know if I should alter #1 and #3 while I'm in there, if Froogle's gonna choke on those things.



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hi. when you reply please send a private message.


right, is there any way i can upload ten of thousands of products in one upload, instead of having to upload, split, download, and upload again, as this is just too crude (i have millions of products).


as i am using a remote host, there is no way i can think of, of altering the php.ini file


please help

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right, is there any way i can upload ten of thousands of products in one upload, instead of having to upload, split, download, and upload again, as this is just too crude (i have millions of products).


as i am using a remote host, there is no way i can think of, of altering the php.ini file


please help


It is a hosting problem, not a problem with Easy Poplulate. I can usually get 500-600 products up at a time.


If you have shell access you can do a straight sql upload, but that is beyond my capabilites ;) I'm sure someone else can get you through that.

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EasyPopulate Merge with Order_Processing_module_v08 .


im trying to upload my cost price for my products, but its not working, how would i go about making it so i can upload my product cost?

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There are 3 places in the Easy Populate file that you need to add new fields, you need to do a search and find the thread on Easy Populate 2.41 and there are suggestions in there.

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posted this as a thread by itself before finding this thread. I have searched this thread and others that were mentioned in this one but still have questions about attributes.


I've been able to import close to 9000 items but now find myself needing to go in and add attributes to many 100's of items and this is a major pain.


Is there a 'easier' way to do this in conjunction with easypopulate?




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Attributes are handled differently and Easy Populate isn't set up to add them. There are a couple of contributiosn, the one you want is the Attribute Sorter Copier, that is currently being updated for MS1.

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Works like a charm, this should make it nuch easier.


Question #2 about froogle. Will the attributes get passed with this feed? It looks like it will by the nature of the export although I haven't done a froogle export with attributes listed yet.

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I am looking for a copy of easypopulate.php that works with the image contrib. I have tried edited out the lines but I am still getting errors. I am new to PHP and therefore assume I am doing something wrong.


Could somebody please forward the file to [email protected]


Thanks in advance.

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Ok, I'm missing the main idea here.


I have an access file with fields such as Product ID, Artist, Manufacture, Producer, Composer, Song1 Title, Song2 Title...Price, Cover URL... How do I use EasyPopulate to upload my database? I have deleted everything from my admin so there are no products there. And one more question, do I have to put all the songs in one field? Like a description?

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You need to decide how you want them displayed on the page. The product info page doesn't have all those separate fields, so you either need to create them and then add them to both the product_info.php and to Easy Populate, or you can combine them into the description field, using html tags or you can create an html file for each item with your info and pull that html file into the prduct desciption. You can see the code for the last option in the My Stores forum, in the Carved Stone thread.



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What kind of tags can I include in the description field?


What I did is I uploaded a file with the model right, the price and a few other fields were right but the others have field names like composer etc. I uploaded it and it didn't say it had any error but didn't change the database at all. Is this a normal behavior? If I have all the fields with the field names that are used by EasyPopulate will the database be changed?


This is a fresh upload, there are no products in the database at all. Also one more question how do I enter the category, do I enter the whole name as I entered them in the admin of osC?


Thanks for your everlasting help


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What kind of tags can I include in the description field?


What I did is I uploaded a file with the model right, the price and a few other fields were right but the others have field names like composer etc. I uploaded it and it didn't say it had any error but didn't change the database at all. Is this a normal behavior? If I have all the fields with the field names that are used by EasyPopulate will the database be changed?


This is a fresh upload, there are no products in the database at all. Also one more question how do I enter the category, do I enter the whole name as I entered them in the admin of osC?


Thanks for your everlasting help



EasyPopulate doesn't create new fields in the database, so if you changed the field names, EP couldn't find them.


You have to enter the categories exactly as they are in the catalog or it will not find them and will create new categories. Categories are not database fields, they are the data inserted into a table. See the difference? EP can create categories, but not add new fields to the database.


Hope this helps!

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What tags can I use in the description field?


Do I have to have all the fields requested by EasyPopulate? I did upload a file that had a few of the fields with the correct name and no product was added.

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Hi, I'm new at Easy Populate. I've read the instructions and tried to do everything it said. When I upload my .csv or .txt file (not sure which it wants, I've been confused about that from the start), it gives me this message that it was uploaded successfully, but when I go to the catalog, nothing is there, no matter how many times i refresh it. any help would be appreciated. thanks.


File uploaded.

Temporary filename: /tmp/phpVL4Kdk

User filename: catalog.csv

Size: 1149


Upload complete





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File uploaded.  

Temporary filename: /tmp/phpVL4Kdk

User filename: catalog.csv

Size: 1149


Upload complete


This just means the file went to the temp directory. It didn't add the products.When it adds products you will see a list of the products with "product added" or "product updated" after the product line.


You need to check that you have the correct directory set in the easypopulate.php and you need to make sure the directory is writeable by the server. Usually that means the directory permissions need to be set to 777.

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