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Zone rates off - works ...


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So, I've got the shop all set up nicely and last thing to do is sort the shipping rates.


I go to:

Shipping Modules > Flat rate and set the rates. Perfect, all working fine.

But then I realise that it's the same to ship to the UK, where I am, as it is to US.

Ooops, so I go back to set the zone rates and now when you click 'continue' at the delivery information page nothing happens.

The page just refreshes.

Turn zones off again and it works fine.


Anyone tell me why this is?




Solar powered gadgets at down to earth prices.



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Check your Zone table in your database. I had similar things happen and the zone table was messed up.


Checked all that, but ...


Actually I think I'm having a different problem.

I've searched the manual/ forum etc but can't seem to find what I am looking for.

I think i'm now confusing myself!


I need to automatically add a shipping charge based on location.


Goods are coming from the UK

UK shipping is normal postage.

US shipping is normal postage PLUS fixed rate

JPN shipping is normal postage PLUS another fixed rate.


Did I miss something or is this just not possible?


Once again, thanks for any help.


Solar powered gadgets at down to earth prices.



Promoting British Design

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