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The e-commerce.

2 stores - 1 database - 1 shopping cart

Lucky Beau

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I have 2 oscommerce shops:

shop 1: Beauty Shop

shop 2: Bath & Body


These are my first 2 stores: They join in 1 database but each store sells different products,

I separated the products into two through query scripts. Both stores are managed from 1 admin and

1 store uses the other store's ssl. Customers + their shopping carts will be redirected from store 2 to store 1 in processing the purchase.


Actually I want to focus store 2 more to handcrafted beauty products, but I'm still looking for good

suppliers. I also wonder if I arrange my link program as one way out from one store and in to the other store,

will Google get upset about it? Would it be more recommendable to have another different store name (+permit + license+logo)?


Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.



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  • 1 month later...

In general, no.

For the highly, gifted and creative, yes.


You do get penalized for duplicate products. You wound hence need a way of changing the content for each domain.

If you're proficient at php/mysql and seo or have a developer at your disposal who is, it can be done. Otherwise, you may want to go a different route.


The multi shops contribution might be somewhere to start. If you're clever, you can even put them on the same domain.

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  • 7 months later...



I am about to try the multi store contribution, but my question is, currently one database works all the shops, but I would like one admin to also view all the orders. I do not want to have to log into each site for viewing orders. Is this possible?


Thanks Jr

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  • 2 years later...

Both stores are managed from 1 admin and

1 store uses the other store's ssl. Customers + their shopping carts will be redirected from store 2 to store 1 in processing the purchase.


i need to have for many stores /multiple shops/ in subdomains

1. shared accounts and

2. one shared shopping cart across different domains


it is important becouse i have a virtual bank terminal, installed in default shipping cart and need to use it in all shops.


can you help with some contribution?

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  • 1 month later...

one database, many stores is possible with multi store contrib.


Also there is a product to store concept which will allow you to set which product goes to which store.



One customer base.



You can have different config for each store.




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  • 1 month later...

I installed another store on a different domain name with different add-ons using the same database.


So far everything works fine, in some cases better than expected.


I wanted a store that uses Separate pricing per customer add-on but my store was so heavily modified I couldn't successfully mod my store so I built a new one with SPPC pre-installed.


The real nice thing has been on the original store it applies a percentage off per customer that still gets applied in the second stores orders for the same customer, unless you turn it off via sppc module, which only applies to the second store. The shopping carts are not interchangeable unless you are logged into both sites, kind of cool, but could be abused by someone adding parts in 1st site then logging into 1st site and get the percentage discount on top of it, but can always edit that out on the admin side.


I either have to do a dual ssl certs or find away to merge the 1st stores few add-ons that aren't in the second store and just go with the second store. Haven't decided yet.


I tried doing this on the same domain name just in different subfolders, and it failed miserably. In the checkout and shipping modules it would start drifting into the original store and even got instances of mixed style sheet graphics.

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