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Best thumbnail contribution?


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I want a thumbnail mod that allows me to upload thumbnails for index.php?cPath=123

There are a few in the contributions, can anyone recommend which is simple & stable? Once installed, will I have to upload the thumbs for an image to appear in the listing, or will it show the large image reduced until a thumbnail is uploaded?



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Can anyone advise?

I got about 300 images already loaded into my shop, so I need a thumbnail mod that will allow me to make smaller images appear on the browsing pages so that I don't have to have shrunken higher resolution images appear.

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That looks like the ticket, thanks Avec!


Just one question. To run the SQL statements, do I just copy everything in the auto thumbnailer admin file and paste it into the Run SQL query/queries on database box in the SQL tab of phpMyAdmin?


Thanks in advance.

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Does anyone know where the support thread is for this mod? The search won't allow 2 letter words such as GD.


The instructionsa say..

Step #8 - Admin image size settings


Note: Before you change the settings, write down the current values so you can restore them in case of an error!


Go to the admin section of your store (Configuration > My Store > Images) and set:


* all image width and height values to a value greater than zero

* calculate image sizes to true.


But as my images are all different sizes, if I set the height, some of them will be out of proportion. At the moment, those fields in admin are blank.

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