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oscommerce affiliate tracking


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I need to add a image impression on the comfirmation page. It uses pixel tracking by adding the invoice # from oscommerce and final sales ammount to the image tag.


These are the instructions have:


<IMG SRC="https://profitistic.directtrack.com/i_sale/profitistic/282/LINE_ITEM_STRING/TRANSACTION_ID/OPTIONAL_INFORMATION">


LINE_ITEM_STRING and TRANSACTION_ID are required to be filled in by your campaign thank you page. If you want to use this pixel to only sell one item with a single sale amount, or just track the entire sale amount as one line item (similar to existing sale tracking), you can just pass a single sale amount as the LINE_ITEM_STRING.


OPTIONAL_INFORMATION can be any additional string you wish to associate with this sale.


I have tried all the variables I can think of, can anyone else enlighten me as to what should be changed?


Please help!! I have spent 4 hours trying to work this one out already!!



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