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The e-commerce.

Narrowing filters by products characteristics


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Hi there!



Does anyone know a contribution suitable for osCommerce that would narraw the resaults by product characteristics ?


I mean, for example if I would decide to buy a HDD I would find a menubar with dropdowns.


In the menubar would be links with the main characteristics like capacity , producer , buffer etc and in the dropdown menu the appropoate properties like Samsung, Maxtor or Western Digital for Producers.


Once I would choose Western Digital for example there would be only Western Digital products and could narrow the resaults even more by choosing for example 120 Gb capacity.


This is the live example. http://www.emag.ro/hdd

It's in romanian but i'm sure you can see the menu i'm talking about in the page.


How can I add this to osCommerce ? I'm sure many people would be interested in this.


Thanks alot !

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