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Links Manager II

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Since your site uses the admin access levels contribution, you have to enable any new sections/files before they will be visible. That is in admin->Administration->File Access.

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A new version has been uploaded with the following changes:


- Added code to links_submit.php to check for maximum description size

- Added missing classes in stylesheet code and changed includes/modules/link_listing.php to use them.

- Added option to show all link categories, even if they are empty.

- Added option to control how many sub-categories are displayed beneath its parent category.

- Added code to admin/links.php to check for links that have the same partner name.

- Added an option in the new link page in admin to notify the new link partner that a link was added.

- Added an option to control how the submit page displays.

- Added stylesheet classes to control the appearance of the links submit page.

- Added a version checking option to make it easy to know when updates are available.

- Changed code in admin/links.php to use a tree layout for the link categories.

- Changed code in admin/links.php with regards to the language selection. It would fail on some shops since the same array name was used by other code.

- Changed code in admin/links_check.php to reset reciprocal link counter if link was found.

- Changed several hard-coded text entries so they are more language specific.

- Corrected install instructions to add function to html_output.php instead of general.php.

- Fixed coding error in links.php that caused the link in the email to be incorrect.

- Fixed coding error in links.php that caused a failure if the bad words contained an extra comma (identified by Viper0409)

- Fixed coding error in links.php that caused a description required message even though the description was present.

- Fixed coding error in links.php that prevented the categories from being handled properly.

- Fixed coding mistake in links.php that cause a javascript error when checking the description.

- Fixed and enhanced the search code in admin/links.php.

- Removed unnecessary code in links.php.

- Removed code in admin/links.php for setting the reciprocal link count option. Forgetting to do so caused problems with the link check code. It is forced to 0 now when a link is updated.

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Hi Jack,


thank you very much for updating, really appreciate the time you are putting into these contributions. There are few bits I've noticed:


in my opinion, admin/links.php line 22 should read:

$currentVersion = 'Links Manager II V 1.24';


the miss alignment of buttons mentioned above in link_status.php starting from line 233 remains in this version too


configuration/links/Display Link Title as links doesn't seem to work, as the title is still a link despite being set to false in my store atm - please feel free to check at: absinthe links


the link check still doesn't seem to be working correctly - my link is on pewter-gifts.co.uk/acatalog/whisky-links.html and links_status.php shows question mark. When I go to links.php, I can see that Site Located: Yes, Link Located: No and on "edit", link WAS found. To be 100% sure, links MUST be checked manually.

Another example is www.acneassasin.com - my link in right column but in admin on "check link" - Link Check Result: Not Found


in links.php - when you click on "disable" button located next to Link Located: NO, the link is disabled, which is fine, however if you immediately click on any other link, it is also disabled and so on until you navigate away or change the status in drop down for example. If you want to re-enable the link, you must also select its category again, 'cause it looses it and it's in Top.

Absinthe Original Liquor Store

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in my opinion, admin/links.php line 22 should read:

$currentVersion = 'Links Manager II V 1.24';

Yes, you are correct. I had changed it to verify the code was working and forgot to change it back.



configuration/links/Display Link Title as links doesn't seem to work, as the title is still a link despite being set to false in my store atm - please feel free to check at: absinthe links

I wasn't aware of this problem. I looked at it now though and there are two problems. First, search your database for TITLES_AS_LINKS and change it to LINKS_TITLES_AS_LINKS. Then in the links.php, includes/modules/link_listing.php and includes/modules/link_listing_vertical.php file, change all instances of



There should be four of them.


the link check still doesn't seem to be working correctly - my link is on pewter-gifts.co.uk/acatalog/whisky-links.html and links_status.php shows question mark. When I go to links.php, I can see that Site Located: Yes, Link Located: No and on "edit", link WAS found. To be 100% sure, links MUST be checked manually.

Another example is www.acneassasin.com - my link in right column but in admin on "check link" - Link Check Result: Not Found

Do you mean the link_check cron script or the link status section? The latter only reads the results from the tables so a check would have to be done first.


in links.php - when you click on "disable" button located next to Link Located: NO, the link is disabled, which is fine, however if you immediately click on any other link, it is also disabled and so on until you navigate away or change the status in drop down for example. If you want to re-enable the link, you must also select its category again, 'cause it looses it and it's in Top.

In admin/links.php, find this code

      case 'disablelink': //change the stats to disabled
       tep_db_query("update " . TABLE_LINKS . " set links_status = 3 where links_id = " . (int)$_GET['lID']);

and add this beneath it

       tep_redirect(tep_href_link(FILENAME_LINKS, tep_get_all_get_params(array('lID', 'action'))));

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HI Jack, made the amendments as suggested, most things appear to be working, however I cant use the link_db_supdate file.


get the following error:-


1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'Allow Link Editing', 'LINKS_ALLOW_EDITING', 'False', 'Set this option to true to' at line 1


select c.categories_id, cd.categories_name, c.parent_id from newsdesk_categories c, newsdesk_categories_description cd where c.catagory_status = '1' and c.parent_id = 'INSERT INTO configuration (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) VALUES ('Allow Link Editing', 'LINKS_ALLOW_EDITING', 'False', 'Set this option to true to allow link partners to edit their links.', '1502', '56', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'True\', \'False\'), ', now())' and c.categories_id = cd.categories_id and cd.language_id='1' order by sort_order, cd.categories_name





also I now appear to have an invalid email address error when submitting links, I am checking through things one by one and rechecking, I am guessing the database update may help if not then its one of the files. its late now so will have to check later, but of you have any thoughts on the mater i would be grateful.



Getting better with mods but no programmer am I.

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I don't know what you are using to cause that error but it isn't one of the links manager files. Notice the "newsdesk_categories" in that error. You won't find any mention of that anywhere in the links manager contribution. It looks like you've confused the contributions somehow.

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I don't know what you are using to cause that error but it isn't one of the links manager files. Notice the "newsdesk_categories" in that error. You won't find any mention of that anywhere in the links manager contribution. It looks like you've confused the contributions somehow.



Okay I know what both problems are and have sorted them.


I switched STS off, run the update file and it worked. So it looks like sts interference, just need to find out why it interfered now?


the tld.txt file was missing from the includes folder, but I thought I had done that already, good job I went to bed when I did took a few minutes to sort this morning.


I need to find out now though why the sts interfered with the installation of the database updater.



Getting better with mods but no programmer am I.

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How does the sub category links thing supposed to look as I am not sure it looks right when submitting a link and choosing a category, it does look okay in admin though.


ie. the list of sub categories and categories are together.


Ideally I should select the parent categroy and be offered the sub category options?



Edited by johnnybebad

Getting better with mods but no programmer am I.

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Also, is it possible to make the seo link, for sub categories to contain the parent category.


Ie so we have links in say Hotels>York showing as York-hotels-links-1_39.html rather than York-links-1_39.html


Just think that would help.



Getting better with mods but no programmer am I.

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How does the sub category links thing supposed to look as I am not sure it looks right when submitting a link and choosing a category, it does look okay in admin though.

What's the "sub category links thing?" Is this in admin or the shop?

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Also, is it possible to make the seo link, for sub categories to contain the parent category.


Ie so we have links in say Hotels>York showing as York-hotels-links-1_39.html rather than York-links-1_39.html

No, that's not possible through this contribution. It would need to be a function of the seo rewriter you use.

Edited by Jack_mcs

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I think it has something to do with Ultimate SEO


It's changed the URL I think

You can turn Ultimate SEO off to be sure. If Links Manager then works, it is due to Ultimate SEO, probably an outdated version or the incorrect .htaccess entry.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A mistake was found in the code that causes the created urls to be incorrect. The fix can be seen here.

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Hi Jack,


I appear to have a problem somewhere in my coding/ database.


I copied the old links across, modified the databases and updated the files, but I seem to be having problems admin side with the number of characters and whats set in the configuration settings.


i was attempting to alter in admin/links.php but i keep getting character warnings, like minimum characters must be 2 and yet there are 10 characters in the name.


I get error on categroies description maximum characters to be less than x and i did a character count and it was less, i increased the characters allowed to really high numbers and i still get the error, put it in as blank and the error for this dissappears, the rest of the functions elsewhere appear to be okay.


Any ideas?



Getting better with mods but no programmer am I.

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No one has reported this problem it works fine here so I don't have an answer for you. I suggest replacing all of the files in admin with the latest version and run the links_db_update file to see if that helps.

Edited by Jack_mcs

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No one has reported this problem it works fine here so I don't have an answer for you. I suggest replacing all of the files in admin with the latest version and run the links_db_update file to see if that helps.




I have done that, so I am looking next at the links database settings as I have replaced/ updated configuration link sets.


so I can only think the error lies with the database tables but will let you know when I have it ressolved fully.

Getting better with mods but no programmer am I.

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Hi Jack,


Okay still having other issues, get one lit ressolved and then I attract another one, thanks for bearing with me on this.


The one I am struggling with is i admin/links.php I get the following error If the search option has information in it, and the the drop down status is not 'All'.:-


1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' )' at line 1


select count(*) as total from links l left join links_description ld on l.links_id = ld.links_id where l.links_status = '1' and ' ( ld.links_title like '%sss%' or l.links_contact_email like '%sss%' or l.links_url like '%sss%' )


So basically if a search term is used I have to look at 'All' the status rather than being able to shorten it down to pending, disabled,approved or waiting.



Getting better with mods but no programmer am I.

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In admin/links.php, line 805, try changing this line

      $notAll = ($showLinkStatus == TEXT_SELECT_ALL) ? '' : " l.links_status = '" . $showLinkStatus . "' and '";


      $notAll = ($showLinkStatus == TEXT_SELECT_ALL) ? '' : " l.links_status = '" . $showLinkStatus . "' and ";

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