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MySQL 4.x to 5.x migration


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I have recently moved my database from MySQL 4.x server to 5.x and now i am getting a number of errors


1054 - Unknown column 'a.authors_id' in 'on clause'


select count(*) as total from articles a, articles_to_topics a2t left join topics_description td on a2t.topics_id = td.topics_id left join authors au on a.authors_id = au.authors_id, articles_description ad where (a.articles_date_available IS NULL or to_days(a.articles_date_available) <= to_days(now())) and a.articles_id = a2t.articles_id and a.articles_status = '1' and a.articles_id = ad.articles_id and ad.language_id = '1' and td.language_id = '1' and a.articles_date_added > SUBDATE(now( ), INTERVAL '365' DAY)




Can anyone please advice how can i fix it and make my database 5.x compatible ?

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