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The e-commerce.

Configure.php update


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We have been developing a site using osCommerce using the XAMMP environment to host Apache and mySQL for the purposes of development, and everything works fine. After failing to get the site to upload and work at my ISP (Easyspace), I have tried uploading just the standard unmodified osCommerce files, and even these fail to run at Easyspace!


The problem is simple to replicate:


1: We have copied the standard, unmodified oScommerce distribution up to the ISP /Catalog folder


2: Then we run the configuration PHP : /catalog/install/index.php


(Enter mSQL details, Continue, Accept all defaults, Continue, Continue, ... etc)


The mySQL connection and database load works fine, but then the configuration program fails with:


" The configuration files do not exist, or permission levels are not set.


Please perform the following actions:

cd /vhost/vhost6/p/u/r/purehorsemanship.co.uk/www/catalog/includes/

touch configure.php

chmod 706 configure.php

cd /vhost/vhost6/p/u/r/purehorsemanship.co.uk/www/catalog/admin/includes/

touch configure.php

chmod 706 configure.php "


I have set the access permissions on /CATALOG/INCLUDES/CONFIGURE.PHP are to everyone:RWX, but still the problem occurs.


Can I ask, has anyone succeeded with getting osCommerce to function at Easyspace????




There may be some who've got it to work with Easy Space, can't say for certain - but there are quite a few posts from people who couldn't get it to work with them.




An update: I upgraded the site to osCommerce 2.2 RC1, and it works just fine with Easyspace. I was using an older release of osCommerce downloaded a couple of months back, which does NOT work, RC1 DOES work with Easyspace.


(Now just gotta re-work our customisations into the RC1 code-base - I guess the grass won't get cut this weekend!)


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