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The e-commerce.

And . . . what do you think of my site

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I think the picture on your main page is very cute. I suggest that you remove the background on that picture so that it will match the rest of your site. You are on the right path with your logo however in my opinion it needs an outer white stroke (white outline to remove the issue you are having with the logo blending into the H. Also I do not get the rest of your header design, it looks like you are selling rugs not clothing. Other then that I suggest installing an SSL certificate.

Andrew Yuen

osCommerce, Community Team

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you see where you have a long line on top of the left corner of the box?

you can fix that by taking out a top <tr> tag which gives it the color, which occurs before you input the image (the corner is actually an image with the outside of the circle set to the background color)_......

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First of all, thank you both for your imput.


I suggest that you remove the background on that picture so that it will match the rest of your site.

I will try. I normally don't like what it does with hair, but we'll see.


Also I do not get the rest of your header design, it looks like you are selling rugs not clothing.

At the left it's real Spanisch fabric, at the right a real old Dutch handkerchief.


you see where you have a long line on top of the left corner of the box?

you can fix that by taking out a top <tr> tag which gives it the color, which occurs before you input the image (the corner is actually an image with the outside of the circle set to the background color)_......

I don't see that (because I have another explorer than you, I guess). Could you please tell me which box? The corner of the shop itself is square on my screen.


You are on the right path with your logo . . . Other then that I suggest installing an SSL certificate.

I'll look at these 2 items too.

Thanks again

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Some points of constructive critism:


1. Some of the English on the site is not entirely accurate. Small things, but still may a concern to foreign purchasers.


2. The top banner is way too large. I would reduce it.


3. I would disable the Date of Birth requirement in the registration.


4. When I get to the payment section, I would not complete the sale knowing that I need to pay your processing fee in order to buy. That needs to be a cost that you eat, or build it into your pricing. This would definately be a turnoff.


5. When I get sent to the Paypal screen, everything is in what I am assuming is Dutch, even though your site is in English.


6. You do not have SSL enabled on your site. I would not put my private information in knowing that it could be compromised.


Good luck,

V6 :thumbsup:

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1. Some of the English on the site is not entirely accurate. Small things, but still may a concern to foreign purchasers.

Can you please tell me what is really bad, so I can change it. I did it all myself. Building the site, all texts and translations and most of the prints. You get kind of word blind.


2. The top banner is way too large. I would reduce it.

I'll look at it.


3. I would disable the Date of Birth requirement in the registration.

I like to know and maybe sent an email or present on their birthday.


4. When I get to the payment section, I would not complete the sale knowing that I need to pay your processing fee in order to buy. That needs to be a cost that you eat, or build it into your pricing. This would definately be a turnoff. I know it's commonly used by paying with creditcard with airlines/hotels. I'll think about it.


5. When I get sent to the Paypal screen, everything is in what I am assuming is Dutch, even though your site is in English.

I didn't know. Do you know where I can change it? I looked around in the paypal modules but can not find it.


6. You do not have SSL enabled on your site. I would not put my private information in knowing that it could be compromised.

I'll look at it.


Thank you very much, test user.

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