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Domain Name Format for SSL


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My website needs me to select the domain name format for the SSL CSR they are going to generate for me, but I don't know which format I should select. Can anyone advise? Their email:


Hi Chris,


I apologize for the delay, can I please verify your choice of domain names?

SSL Certificates are domain specific and can be for

"http://www.mooresglassart.com"; or "http://mooresglassart.com";.


Which would you prefer?



Configure.php contains this, so I'm leaning toward using the "www" in the name:


define('HTTPS_SERVER', 'http://www.mooresglassart.com');


Does it matter? Which should I have them use?


Thanks in advance, -Chris.

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Stick with this, it will be easier in the future




My website needs me to select the domain name format for the SSL CSR they are going to generate for me, but I don't know which format I should select. Can anyone advise? Their email:


Hi Chris,


I apologize for the delay, can I please verify your choice of domain names?

SSL Certificates are domain specific and can be for

"http://www.mooresglassart.com"; or "http://mooresglassart.com";.


Which would you prefer?

Configure.php contains this, so I'm leaning toward using the "www" in the name:


define('HTTPS_SERVER', 'http://www.mooresglassart.com');


Does it matter? Which should I have them use?


Thanks in advance, -Chris.

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