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Trouble with Paypal Payments - Store Live and Sinking Fast....


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Please help.


I set up a store and got everything sorted, customised, etc.


I tested it, got a few other people to test it, and thought it was ready to launch.


So I scrapped my old store (based on paypal buy-it-now buttons) and launched the new improved oscom version and its all gone wrong.


- Only some orders show up in the 'Orders' section in admin.


- Only some of the items bought show up in the paypal 'payment received' notification.


I changed some code as suggested in another post (which i now can't find) to make it so order details were carried over to paypal, but it seems to be limited to a set number of characters, so larger orders are being cut off part way. If they then dont show up in the admin section, I have no way of knowing what the order was for.


I have read some suggsetions of using paypal IPN but there seem to be a number of contriubtions by that name. Could someone please link me to the right one?


Also, how is it installed? Please note I have an account within someone's hosting package, so do not have access to Cpanel or similar...


Any help hugely appreciated, this is destroying a reputation I spent months building.



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That's the one.


Worth mentioning a few things... install is very easy, provided you set the security/encription option (dont recall what exactly its called) to false you can leave all the fields below blank).


Also... you dont need to turn IPN on in paypal, as the mod makes all the arrangements when an order is placed.

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