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Upgrading problem: 1146 - Table 'DBNAME.administrators' doesn't exist


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Hi all,

I just moved to a new server and installed the latest version, 2.2 RC 1, from scratch. Using phpmyadmin, I then deleted all the tables in the demo database and imported the database from my old server.


My problem is that now I can't log into the admin interface!


In the installation process, I entered username and password for an admin user. Now, when I try to go to the admin area using my browser, I get the error message


1146 - Table 'DBNAME.administrators' doesn't exist


where DBNAME of course is the name of my MySQL database.


I assume what happened is that the new osC version uses an extra database table for admin user, which wasn't used before (my old database is from an installation done several years back), and this table was lost when I imported my old database.


How do I get around this so I can access the admin inteface?

Are there more new tables which could also have disappeared in the process?


Should I reinstall, then delete only a subset of the tables and reimport the tables from my old installation? Or is there some easier way to get around this problem?


Advice urgently needed!


-- Svante


PS I'm not sure exactly which version my old installation was, but the index.php file in /catalog had this header comment:



$Id: index.php,v 1.1 2003/06/11 17:37:59 hpdl Exp $


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You need to insert the table administrators in your database using Mysql.

Your previous database didn't have this table because it was made with a previous version of oscommerce.

Try to make a new database using the most recent version of oscommerce and export the table adminsitrators to your harddrive. Then import this document to your current (old) database.

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