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The e-commerce.

Missing "catalog" in the admin path


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I switched ISPs a short while ago and got everything osCommerce-related transferred over to the new site fine, except that now my admin tool has a problem. When I click any of the admin tools, the URL that gets used is always missing "catalog" in the path, so I get nothing but 404 errors. I can manually type in "catalog" and work around it that way in some cases, but it's impossible to update the catalog items in any way.


I'd really prefer not to have to re-install the admin or osCommerce software - is there a file I can tweak to get the Admin path working correctly again?





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check your config files




make sure the paths are correctly set



Thanks - it was the admin/includes/configure.php file that was missing "catalog" in the

define('DIR_WS_ADMIN', 'catalog/admin/');

statement ...


works now ...

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Thanks - it was the admin/includes/configure.php file that was missing "catalog" in the

define('DIR_WS_ADMIN', 'catalog/admin/');

statement ...


works now ...


I spoke too soon ... things are still messed up.


Problem 1: I'm getting "Error: Catalog images directory does not exist: DIR_FS_CATALOG_IMAGES" -

Where do I define that? I've tried 5 different places and nothing works.


Problem 2: I also get "Error: Destination not found" when I try to add products.


Problem 3: I'm getting that warning about security on my home page that anyone can write to configure.php, but I have set the chmod rights to 644 and then 444 like the docs say, and the error message won't go away.



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