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First let me say HOWDY and thanks to anyone who can help.

Using OsCommerce CartXpress.

I've configured Easy Populate to upload all the fields necessary for a Product to show EXCEPT for ATTRIBUTES (still trying to figure this out since a lot of the products have at least 2 different drop downs with lengths in quarter inch increments in one , and half centimeter increments in another, not to mention 15 angle choices, Plus other options/attributes. TOO MANY for calc or excel. BUT this is a prollum fer anodder day)


I'm using Open Office Calc and Easy Populate. The Description Field is the problem. During uplaod of my EP file ALL the quotes in my description are converted to ". This breaks my STYLESHEET references (ie: <SPAN class="valueprice">Only: $174.95 each</SPAN>).

I found the part in easypopulate.php and changed it:

// **** Quote -> Escape character conversion ****

// If you have extensive html in your descriptions and it's getting mangled on upload, turn this off

// set to 1 = replace quotes with escape characters

// set to 0 = no quote replacement

global $replace_quotes;

$replace_quotes = 0;



Still the same problem.

I can go to the ADMIN and open / edit the product description, replacing the 2 instances of " around valueprice and my stylesheet reference works.

I tried escaping the quotes on upload to (ie <SPAN class=\"valueprice\"> ) which also did not work. (I didn't think it would)


I see the code which finds quotes and changes them... thing is I have quotes around some regular phrases in my descriptions too , in addition to in the HTML.


I'm really hoping I don't have to manually open every product through the ADMIN to fix this...

ANYONE know what needs to be done and can help me I'd be ever so grateful.



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