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Session Problem With Firefox


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I have a weird problem:

When I use Firefox and log into an account (shopping cart is empty first) and I click through the catalog, I will get logged off after some clicks. If I put something into the cart, I will stay logged in until I logout again.

In IE this problem doesn't occur... I stay logged clicking on any links through the whole shop and don't get logged off until I select "logout".

It must have something to do with Firefox's user agent identification. If I switch off "check user agent" in the admin/sessions menu, I also stay logged in with Firefox.


How can I fix it? I don't want to keep the "check user agent" option deactivated permanently.

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its not with firefox but Your firefox setting might be doing this.


try using firefox on some other PC.

Also chek if the url has oscid concatenated for firefox and IE.

Basically cookies setting for handling session cookies might be creating some issues.


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I had no possibility yet to try it on another PC.


I also have a bad message: The "check user agent = false" workaround doesn't work as well.

The links often don't contain the osCisd, this is the point where firefox gets logged out.

I noticed that only links to SSL pages contain the osCsid; links to unencrypted pages don't. Exception: If I go to an unencrypted page from an encrypted page, the osCsid will be in the link.

Thus only if I go from an unencrypted page to another, the osCsid won't be submitted.


In Internet Explorer I stay online even though I click on links w/o osCsids. Strange...


Cookies is another problem on my site... my browsers accept cookies but anyway I get the cookie_usage hint if I try to force cookie use. But this problem shall be solved another time. ;)

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Your login and logout depends on oscis which is session id.

This is stored either in session cookies (if sessio cookies are allowed ) else it is thru oscid that You see on the URL.


So You need to view cookies created in IE and that in firefox and conclude.


Also You can google to chek how session cookies can be allowed to be set for the fiewfox version.


The other area to look in is to chek your cookies settings.

in configure file.


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I am searching for weeks now to solve my cookie problem.


in my catalog/includes/configure.php I tried with these settings:


define('HTTP_COOKIE_PATH', '/tmp/');

define('HTTPS_COOKIE_PATH', '/tmp/');




define('HTTP_COOKIE_PATH', '/');

define('HTTPS_COOKIE_PATH', '/');

(which is default)


The /tmp/ folder has chmod 777.


Cookies from any other site are accepted by my browsers (I use Firefox 2.0 and MSIE 7). But it doesn't work anyway... :(

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