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The e-commerce.

New Install


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I'm working on starting two oscommerce-based retail sites. One is for electronics and one is for adult novelties. Each time I install either OScommerce or creloaded, I cannot access the /admin page. www.electronicdepot.info/store www.theticklebox.com/



Also I have a card member services merchant account, if anyone has any tips for using them with osCommerce let me know


Obviously I need an SSL certificate, to keep cost down I was thinking of trying this free cert out for the first month, rapidssl.com , if anyone has information on this I would appreciate it.


For the electronics shop there are only about 10 products I will be offering initially. The adult novelties website has hundreds of products that need to be listed, so I was planning on using Easy Populate, is that right?



Thanks for helping a new guy out

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You should try to post what happens when you try to access the /admin page - I think I also found that naming directories was helpful - particularly that making my store location be in 'catalog' rather than 'store' on the server helped no end, since files are already configured to point at 'catalog'. It's a hazy memory now but you might look at doing that.

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