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Php Include


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Hi everyone,


I asked for your help with a php include some time ago, and got a great solution to put the <include> on the index.php file on the root of my website so that i could give my client access to the included file to edit text....


The client has now requested a number of languages, and by using the <included file> on the root,i am limited to english.

I have to be able to reference this include file from /public_html/includes/languages/english/index.php

Something like the below...



define('NAVBAR_TITLE', 'TEST');
define('HEADING_TITLE', 'TEST');

define('TEXT_INFORMATION', '' . include("http://www.xxx.ie/textenglish/index.html") . '');



or even mabye something like the below might work using DIR_WS.... ANy ideas...anyone????


define('NAVBAR_TITLE', 'TEST');
define('HEADING_TITLE', 'TEST');



Many thanks


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I don't understand the question. Are you needing to have multiple languages on the same page? Oscommerce is set up to handle any number of languages. Will that not work for you?



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Jack has a point, check out http://oscommerce.info/kb/osCommerce/Admin...ocalization/163 for more info.


Hi Guys,

The site is live and i called www.cots.ie, please check it out

The Langauges are installed and working, But if you visit the home page or view the infomation section for each language,

You will see a lot of information there that needs to be repeated in each language seperately,


Currently I have a < PHP INCLUDE> on the index.php page on the root with the following code

<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
		 <td><?php include(DIR_WS_TXTENGLISH . '/' . FILENAME_ENG_INDEX_SHTML); ?></td>









I have a CMS that is set up to be able to edit some html fils inside some folders on the root... eg:Foler 1: txtenglish, Folder2: txtfrench etc...

This way i am able to give my clients access to change the page content as requested, by using a PHP includes in the root/index.php

But this will mean that for every language i select the text will be english, as it is the default langauge...

But if i can get the <includes> to work on catalog/includes/languages/english, french , spanish etc...

on the below line in each page, i can allow the client to have text in multiple languages that he can edit...


define('NAVBAR_TITLE', 'Welcome to Cots.ie');
define('HEADING_TITLE', Welcome to Cots.ie');

define('<?php echo(DIR_WS_TXTENGLISH .  FILENAME_ENG_INDEX_HTML); ?>');


I hope this makes sense to you.

Its hard to explain, but unfortunetly my client only decided about having a CMS after the site was set up and it was to late to install a proper cms solution...

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Jack has a point, check out http://oscommerce.info/kb/osCommerce/Admin...ocalization/163 for more info.


Hi Guys,

The site is live and i called www.cots.ie, please check it out

The Langauges are installed and working, But if you visit the home page or view the infomation section for each language,

You will see a lot of information there that needs to be repeated in each language seperately,


Currently I have a < PHP INCLUDE> on the index.php page on the root with the following code

<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2">
		 <td><?php include(DIR_WS_TXTENGLISH . '/' . FILENAME_ENG_INDEX_SHTML); ?></td>









I have a CMS that is set up to be able to edit some html fils inside some folders on the root... eg:Foler 1: txtenglish, Folder2: txtfrench etc...

This way i am able to give my clients access to change the page content as requested, by using a PHP includes in the root/index.php

But this will mean that for every language i select the text will be english, as it is the default langauge...

But if i can get the <includes> to work on catalog/includes/languages/english, french , spanish etc...

on the below line in each page, i can allow the client to have text in multiple languages that he can edit...


define('NAVBAR_TITLE', 'Welcome to Cots.ie');
define('HEADING_TITLE', Welcome to Cots.ie');

define('<?php echo(DIR_WS_TXTENGLISH .  FILENAME_ENG_INDEX_HTML); ?>');


I hope this makes sense to you.

Its hard to explain, but unfortunetly my client only decided about having a CMS after the site was set up and it was to late to install a proper cms solution...

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OK, Im gettign there,

The content from my includes is in the page now, but its displaying immediately after the <body> tag which displays it at the top of the page rather that in where the TEXT_INFORMATION is supposed to be displayed....


Anybody know how I can get it to display in the correct area???


See http://www.cots.ie/test.php to see what i am saying...

This is the code i have...



define('NAVBAR_TITLE', 'TEST');
define('HEADING_TITLE', 'TEST');

define('TEXT_INFORMATION', '');



Any help would be great, Thanks a million


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You'll have to do it like this:



define('NAVBAR_TITLE', 'TEST');
define('HEADING_TITLE', 'TEST');

$contents = file_get_contents("http://www.cots.ie/txtenglish/index.html");

define('TEXT_INFORMATION', $contents);


This is a very bad idea, though, as this will allow someone else from another site to inject malicious scripts into your site. It will also affect the loading time of your site.


Edit: Now that I look back, is cots.ie your website? If so, this is the correct way to do it:



define('NAVBAR_TITLE', 'TEST');
define('HEADING_TITLE', 'TEST');

$contents = file_get_contents("txtenglish/index.html");

define('TEXT_INFORMATION', $contents);

Please use the forums for support! I am happy to help you here, but I am unable to offer free technical support over instant messenger or e-mail.

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Hi Brian,


I have used the below code you posted and it works perfectly!!!




define('NAVBAR_TITLE', 'TEST');
define('HEADING_TITLE', 'TEST');

$contents = file_get_contents("txtenglish/index.html");

define('TEXT_INFORMATION', $contents);


Will the site still be vulnerable to deadly scripts using this?

No its not my site, Im working on it for a client of my company!!!


Many Thanks


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No, you shouldn't have a problem. My comment was regarding the idea that you wanted to pull an HTML page from some other website to display in yours. The code that you implemented is fine.

Please use the forums for support! I am happy to help you here, but I am unable to offer free technical support over instant messenger or e-mail.

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No, you shouldn't have a problem. My comment was regarding the idea that you wanted to pull an HTML page from some other website to display in yours. The code that you implemented is fine.



You Sir, Are a life saver.!!!




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