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Header Tags Not Working When Sts V4.5.2 Installed


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Hi, I'm new to OSCommerce. Forum posts suggested Header Tags and STS were essential contributions so I installed (in this order):


1, OSC 2.2-MS2

2, HeaderTags v2.6.3

3, STS v4.5.2


I'm in a situation where I can only use Header Tags when STS is not enabled. When STS is enabled I just get the standard "This is the default template" messages at the top of pages, but all my Header Tag info goes back to the default OSC installation. If I disable STS in Admin I return to the situation where my custom Header Tags are displayed.


So, the default installation of OSC works great with Header Tags OR with STS, but not with both.


I've repeated the install procedure 3 times now to be sure I wasn't messing up. In the STS install doc it says re. $headertags: "This variable is automatically inserted into the $headcontent variable, so you don't need to use it in your template." I've tried adding $headertags manually to the default template but it still doesn't appear.


Have I got a problem with my installation or am I missing something obvious?


Assistance greatly appreciated.



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Have you looked in the contribution section of STS? There are separate instructions for installing them both.



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Have you looked in the contribution section of STS? There are separate instructions for installing them both.






Thanks for your prompt reply. Yes, I've followed the installations that come with both packages to the letter (several times). I've tried installing in a different order (1 - OSC, 2 - STS, 3 - Header Tags) but still get the same problem. I've also tried installing locally to my development server (XP) as well as my online LINUX m/c and still get exactly the same problem.


I can only assume that the latest versions of these contribs are in some way incompatible.


It looks like I may have to choose - either Header Tags or STS, but I could really do with them both.


Is there some kind of preloaded OSC with these essential contribs built in? It could be the answer.



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Yes, there is. That's why I asked if you checked. Since you said you followed both sets of instructions, it means you have tried the one that is already joined. I, again, suggest you look at that.



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Jack made a good suggestion.

:thumbsup: You can follow the link in my signature below for step by step installation instructions on how to get STS & HTC installed so that they work together perfectly.

Bill Kellum


Sounds Good Productions

STS Tutorials & more: STSv4.6, STS Add-ons (STS Power Pack), STS V4 Forum STS Forum FREE TEMPLATE

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Jack made a good suggestion.

:thumbsup: You can follow the link in my signature below for step by step installation instructions on how to get STS & HTC installed so that they work together perfectly.


Bill / Jack,


Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I followed Bill's link to his STS/HTC Bundle, loaded it over my default installation and it's working a treat. I think my downfall may have been not adding "headertags.php" to the list of files to include in the STS admin panel.


Still, it's all sorted now and I'm grateful to you both. Thanks Bill for the excellent of idea of combining both contribs, if only I'd spotted your offering first...


I'm now on the trail of other "essential" contribs for my virgin installation - any suggestions would be welcome. :rolleyes:


Thanks again,


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