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Can anyone please tell me why all my text I enter manually is getting forward slashes and back slashes mixed in with it once I save what I've done. For example <script src=\\\\\\\"http://www.google-analytics.com/urchin.js\\\\\\\" type=\\\\\\\"text/javascript\\\\\\\">


<script type=\\\\\\\"text/javascript\\\\\\\">




<script type=\\\\\\\"text/javascript\\\\\\\" language=\\\\\\\"javascript\\\\\\\" src=\\\\\\\"http://www.statcounter.com/counter/frames.js\\\\\\\"></script><noscript><a href=\\\\\\\"http://www.statcounter.com\\\\\\\" target=\\\\\\\"_blank\\\\\\\"><img src=\\\\\\\"http://c21.statcounter.com/counter.php?sc_project=2278854&java=0&security=bee3e4f6&invisible=1\\\\\\\" alt=\\\\\\\"web tracker\\\\\\\" border=\\\\\\\"0\\\\\\\"></a> </noscript>

<!-- End of StatCounter Code -->


This is happening with everything that I enter in.


If anyone has clue please help me.


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Here's a couple screenshots of my admin panel. Maybe this will help on you out.



Here's the second.



Any ideas???? :blink:

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Here's a couple screenshots of my admin panel. Maybe this will help on you out.



Here's the second.



Any ideas???? :blink:


Someone has to have a clue of how to fix this.... :-"

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Someone has to have a clue of how to fix this.... :-"





You can solve it by using: define('DIR_FS_CATALOG', dirname(__FILE__)); If ur problem is not solve then u can use another dirname means define('DIR_FS_CATALOG', dirname(dirname(__FILE__)));. i have just use as a sample. You can use it where is the problem.



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Can anyone please tell me why all my text I enter manually is getting forward slashes and back slashes mixed in with it once I save what I've done


Because probably there is a bug with the content editor you're using. The code should strip slashes when it posts the form parameters.

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Because probably there is a bug with the content editor you're using. The code should strip slashes when it posts the form parameters.


It did have a bug, but it's fixed now. The problem was in the static.php and dynamic_content.php. Thanks for the info though. :thumbsup:

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