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The e-commerce.

Looking For Options Or Suggestions.


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I want to create an Automotive "Price Comparison Site".

I don't want to actually sell anything but I was wondering if I could setup osCommerce so that I could have several vendors/dealers who sell the same product to be displayed so that visitors can come and visit to see who is selling what and at what prices.


Example: Someone is interested in tires but want to see who sells the same tires the cheapest. I would like for them to look up the make, model, size and so forth and then they can sort the product by price lowest to highest or however to see who sells the tire the cheapest.

I would need osCommerce to list the vendors who sells that product also which i guess could go into the description of the product.


Example 2: Kinda like pricewatch.com and how they do it with computer supplies and accessories but I want to setup an Automotive site like that.

Is there away of using osCommerce in this fashion?


I hope i'm making myself clear enough so that you understand what I'm asking for.

I dont know anything about creating scripts or making databases or i would make my own script to do this.


I've searched Hotscripts for Price Comparison Sites but wasnt happy with what i found and didnt want to spend the money on something that didnt do what i want it to be doing.


Any Input on this would be most helpful to me.

Thank you for your time.



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Anyone have anything to say?

I thought this website had osCommerce People Monitoring these threads.

you need to post your questions to the appropriate channel.


Tips and tricks are only allowed to be posted in this forum channel. For support, please post in another related channel in this forum.


Anyways, your first step would be to check the contributions. (search for vendor related ones and price comparison)





There could be others you may have to combine several modules together to achieve this.

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