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Urgent, Htmlspecialchars() Expects Parameter 1 To Be String


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Hi everybody,


i have the following failure message using the contribution shop in cart v2.2.1.:

Warning: htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /homepages/..../catalog/includes/functions/general.php on line 117


following operational sequence: put a product in cart, click on checkout, setup a new account. When finished, go to cart. Now i can see the failure:

htmlspecialchars() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /homepages/..../catalog/includes/functions/general.php on line 117


What i can see is (not the exact translation, sorry):


Number of products : 1

deliver to :


Deliverycosts zones (not possible to deliver in this country)


nothing else to see.


Now I setup a new adress under my account, which is similar to the first adress. The new adress is set to standard. Now i go back to the cart, the failure message is alway still there, but now i have a dropdown with the two adresses. When I chose now one of the both adresses, everthing is display correctly without a failure.


The Block, within line 117 is not modified in general.php:

function tep_output_string($string, $translate = false, $protected = false) {

if ($protected == true) {

return htmlspecialchars($string);

} else {

if ($translate == false) {

return tep_parse_input_field_data($string, array('"' => '"'));

} else {

return tep_parse_input_field_data($string, $translate);





I tried the following without success.



the 81 for the country is inserted correctly. entry_state und entry_Suburb is NULL.




address_book_id - 40

customers_id - 33

entry_gender - leeres Feld (also keine 0 oder NULL)

entry_company - leeres Feld (also keine 0 oder NULL)

entry_firstname - Max

entry_lastname - Mustermann

entry_street_address - teststrasse 1

entry_suburb - NULL

entry_postcode - 12345

entry_city - Testhausen

entry_state - NULL

entry_country_id - 81 (wird also richtig eingetragen)

entry_zone_id - 0

entry_title_id - 1 (dieses Feld ist für ein Dropdown mit Herr, Frau, Firma)


Ich hab auch noch eine Tabelle zones_to_geozones:

association_id - 2

zone_country_id - 81

zone_id - NULL (in all other fields is a 0), changed it in this field also to 0, no success

geo_zone_id - 2

last_modified - 2007-03-20 09:37:18

date_added - 2007-03-11 18:56:52


dann gibt es noch die Tagelle geo_zones:

in this table is only a zone i inserted

geo_zone_id - 2

geo_zone_name - Steuer-Mwst

geo_zone_description - Für alle Kunden in Deutschland

last_modified - 2007-03-20 09:37:44

date_added - 2007-03-11 18:51:57




A user from the german oscommerce forum told me this:

File Manager Problem






Parsing errors occur when saving edited files through the File Manager.




Line 148 in catalog/admin/file_manager.php must be changed from:


$file_contents = htmlspecialchars(implode('', $file_array));




$file_contents = addslashes(implode('', $file_array));


Note: This update also requires the Contact Us Form XSS Issue update in order to function correctly.




no success



and this:




no success


in my version of oscommerce is already the following in the file_manager.php:


$file_contents = addslashes(implode('', $file_array));


changed it to:


$file_contents = addslashes(htmlspecialchars(implode('', $file_array)));


no success.



Hope somebody can help me





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