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Allow Customer To Cancel Orders?


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im merely wondering if i should provide an option on my osc shop to allow a customer to cancel his order (if it has been paid for via paypal and is in the 'pending' state). i know that the shop owner can do this via the admin functionality but do you guys think that its a good idea to allow the customer to cancel his/her order too?

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There are a lot that go into this decision. If the purchase is for a stocked item that just has not shipped yet, then there is little reason to deny a return. On the other extreme, if the purchase is for a special order item that has been ordered from the store's vendor, then the answere would probably be no.


For the store I help with, cancelations are initiated by a call or email from the customer. I added an order status of Canceled, and that is selected for the particular order. If payment was made, it is returned. I would not really recommend having something available on the site allowing the customer to easily cancel their order. There is a reason stores have dozens of checkout lanes and one return desk.

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first of all thanks for the reply.


i think this statement is key:


"there is a reason why stores have multiple checkouts and one return desk"


I happen to agree with what you have stipulated there. I think i will just leave it as it is and if the user wants to cancel his order then he can email the store owner who can then delete the order in the osc shop and refund the money from the business paypal account

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you can use the RMA contribution and modify to suit your needs. I am using it to allow customers to cancel orders while they're on pending state. Since the admin controls the orders status, once the order switches to processing it cannot be canceled.

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